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Everything posted by james_104

  1. Thanks guys for all you help!!! Glad to know its not just me.
  2. Hey guys, I'm a little new to cPanel (I am familiar with websites though) so bear with me. I recently signed up for an account and its nearly been 24 hours since then. The webserver seems to be up and I can log in with ftp all good. how ever when I go to sign into the cpanel I get this weird error, I've seen others like it before on other php codings: hmm that was a little big . but yeah thats it, from what i can see the file function.include doesn't exist and therefore causes all these problems. Im just wondering if its normal or if there is something wrong. BTW it prompts me for my login details first... then it goes to this window. Also, do you get another email after the one that says the account has been installed, to tell you that it is now usable? Thanks for you help James
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