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Everything posted by rinconett

  1. Hello, thanks for replying. I already created a mysql database in cPanel named joomlatest (heliohost made it to database name = 'cortadil_joomlatest'). And I already created a user 'system' for that database with a password (heliohost made it to user name 'cortadil_system') where I can find Fantastico in my cPanel? I was seeking today but didnt find. regards, Rinconett
  2. What is fantastico? I downloaded joomla and wanted to use the installation wizard existing in it. it seems not to be enough Access denied for user 'cortadil_system'@'localhost' to database 'cortadil_joomlatest' SQL=CREATE DATABASE `cortadil_joomlatest` CHARACTER SET `utf8` --> why want Joomla! creates a database? I thought i is nessessary to create the database before configuration? (so I already created a database with that name) --> do I have to edit the configuration.php by myself (adding the credential I cannot access database) so, with localhost I can access mysql, one step more than yesterday. but not enough. other ideas? thanks,
  3. Hello, I want to host a joomla website @heliohost. I put the Joomla files to public_html (and changed the permission to all files and folders that noone can read it but execute) I created a mysql database and a user for it. But i cannot finish the joomla installation wizard. access denied 'Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL' i tried to do it without the wizard by editing configuration.php what is the correct servername i tried it with: db mysql server stevie.heliohost.org user cortadil_system pwd *********** database cortadil_joomlatest thanks
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