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  1. Thank you.
  2. My account is babyname. Would you mind reactivate it for me? Thank you.
  3. I got many strange errors from my site recently, including MySQL error and HTTP 500. I checked the Server Status today and found: /tmp is out of space now. Disk /dev/sda6 (/tmp) 100 % Disk /dev/sda7 (/home) 58 % Disk /dev/sda8 (/var/lib/mysql) 42 % Disk /dev/sda1 (/) 94 % Disk /dev/sda2 (/var) 46 % Disk /dev/sda3 (/usr) 88 % In last two days, sometimes I got "error 28 from storage engine" (MySQL), sometimes not. And also HTTP 500 show up very frequentl. Nothing I changed recently. I google and found out disk space is the major reason of this kind of mysql error. After checking the server status, I think the reason should be /tmp is full.
  4. Thank you. My ip has been changed. But when I try to connect my website, I got a "HelioHost Account Queued" page. Is it normal?
  5. Thank you for your answer. Yes, I can apply a cert from StartSSL or my private server. Is it OK?
  6. haha, it is my honor. I am used to use stored precedures and hide others schema for db user. another thing about sp, heliohost's phpMyAdmin will return error while trying to execute sp which returns some resultset. It should be a bug of mysql API of php. mysqli should be ok.
  7. Hi djbob, My hosting account is babyname. I have two questions: 1) When I signed up, I have selected to use "babyname.heliohost.org". After then, I parked my own domain "51babyname.cn" to heliohost. Can I change the "51babyname.cn" as my default domain? Such as login with cpanel, and the 51babyname.cn is the default domain in cpanel, such as mail. 2) Can I have a dedicated IP? I want to use https. Thank you.
  8. Hi djbob, Thank for your hosting. It is a GREAT place! My hosting account is babyname. I logined into cpanel, opened the phpadmin and created a mysql db which name is "babyname_test" and some functions and stored procedures in the db. I also created a user as "babyname_user" and assigned all privileges of test db to this user. In my PHP code, I can use "babyname_user" to connect and query db "babyname_test", but can't execute any stored procedures. I don't know whether it is a bug of heliohost or cpanel. Anyway I have passed this problem. Use PHP with the user to connect the db and create the sp and functions, then I can use these sp and functions in PHP code.
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