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Everything posted by Parin

  1. oye how did u get the ip and vista and firefox thingy can u please tell me

  2. Kaspersky is the best
  3. Hello everybody i m creating a website now i need a tell a friend script code: which send an email from some one to another guy tell that guy about my website! please help me...
  4. Lets decide which game console is the best: i think its Nintendo Wii ps3 or ps2 or psp they dont have motion senser that senses our moves.
  5. can i please know how to create a pop up image which just pops up when i mouseover it and when i mouseout it just disappers can i please know the code?
  6. well i meant a TLD domain like .com or .net or blah blah blah
  7. Hello, Can i please know any website that provides me .com or .net or any DNS service for free, without some free surveys where u have to give ur credit card no. anyways, i need a free TLD domain for free!!!!
  8. i think yahoo is the most user friendly email c'mmon dont be stupid to vote for anything else
  9. may be u can use some kind of convertor or what about quick time or itunes
  10. windows is the best and the most user freindly system and anywyas, how can i get windows 7 for free any ideas!
  11. well, to add several webpages all you need to do is use frames: for example: <html> <frameset cols="25%,50%,25%"> <frame src="frame_a.htm"> <frame src="frame_b.htm"> <frame src="frame_c.htm"> </frameset> </html> this means there will be 3 different web pages in only one page two taking 25% of it and one taking 30% of it, if u dont get it then reply me back
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