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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Anybody Can help? plz?
  2. Hi, My Site mchiphop.net is down I have this problem for a 2 days. i cannot connect the Ftp Or Cpanel. its Showing Me This:DNS Error - Server cannot be found plz, can you help me? Thank You!
  3. Hi, My Domain www.McHipHop.net is Not workin evrything is down the FTP and the Cpanel .. and its showing to me This "DNS Error - Server cannot be found" . What to do Can you help me? Thank You Very Much.!
  4. Do anybody please can help me with this ??
  5. My domain: www.McHipHop.net I got an email that says: Your hosting account at HelioHost has been suspended. This either due to a period of account inactivity or missed renewal date. If you have not logged into cPanel in the last three months, please renew your account ASAP by visiting <a href='http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php?username=nightwav'>here</a>. If you have a forum-posting-based account, you must renew your hosting by purchasing a hosting item in the forum store. If you do not renew your hosting suscription within fifteen days, your account will be permanently deleted. This is your final warning. I proceed the renewal and after ten minutes it suspended again. I really didn't logged into cPanel a month but after i logged today my account keep suspending. What is the problem ? please let me know if i violated any Terms of Service so maybe i could fix that. Regards, NightWave.
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