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Everything posted by Alwahsh
I don't want to cause incovenience , but could you please answer me as I don't have any other host like you at the moment and I need to host some websites
I didn't host any malware ... Is there a possibility it has come from submissions from my visitors at my forum or something like that ?? and in that case should I register again or am I banned from your host ?
I was hosting several sites ... a MyBB forum , 2 wordpress blogs... some custom scripts ( I suspect the problem is with one of them ) ... others are just HTML files
Malware !! Well how can I fix that ?!
Hello , My account was suspended today and I don't know why. Is it possible to unsespend me and tell me what the problem is ? a. alwahshn b. stevie c.alwahshnt.heliohost.org Thanks !
Ok , thanks . Although I'm not sure what the reason for that was but I've taken some steps to limit my usage .
Hello , My Account has been suspended , I don't know the reason , I don't think I've done anything wrong . Username : alwahshn Server: stevie Domain: alwahshn.heliohost.org Thanks
Hi , My username is : alwahshn The server I'm on is : stevie.heliohost.org The Main domain : alwahshnt.heliohost.org My account got suspended , probably because I added a trainer to a game , I didn't know this was forbidden . One of my relatives wanted to put the trainer on the internet and asked me to host it for him . I thought trainers where ok and they are not prohibited . Anyways , You can delete the site of the trainer , but can I have my account back and my other site back ?? Thank you very much and Sorry for breaking the rules . I didn't mean to
well , I tried to connect frm another server and it worked
well , can Anyone answer me ??
HI , I posted before a thread : http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=4457 now I want to do the opposite I want to acess from heliohost servers a database on another server . I allowed the ip of heliohost then tried to allow all ips but still didn't work . I tried to connect from another server (other than heliohost) and it worked , so I knew the problem is here . I was told that you might have blocked (3306 - MySQL Default Port) so I wanted to know if there is a solution for this here . Thanks
Ok , thanks
Do you know what might be the cause of the problem then ??
Hi , I don't know why , but now , when I try to access the Cpanel it is so slow , and almost not responding . It is so hard to use the File Manager . And when I access the Cpanel , most of times my site goes down for about a minute giving internal error ( I think 500 Internal error ) . Is this a problem from my computer , or it is something with the server ??
thanks for your help , and I am so sorry for your time
ok this worked and i could connect to the database from my old host files ... but it only worked for about 5 mins then it started to return error : 1045 - Access denied for user 'alwahsh_admin'@'lwresellers1.smokyhosts.net' (using password: YES) Query: [READ] Unable to connect to MySQL server btw does your servers support search engine friendly links , because it returns 404 when I use threm > Thanks so much for your help and sorry for your time Alwahsh
Uhm... no. That's not load balancing. Where in the world did you hear this? You can't point a single domain to multiple nameservers. If you do, the first two records will take priority. what If I write this : ns1 : ns1.myoldhost.com ns2 : ns1.heliohost.org ns3: ns2.myoldhost.com ns4: ns2.heliohost.org As for the database , I think it would be easier to use heliohost as the host who has the database and let files on the other host take info from here , if the ip of the old host is (for example) xx.xxx.xx.xx , what exactly should I write in the host field in Remote MySQL at Heliohost Cpanel ?? and how should I make the files on the old host connect to this database ?? should I just write instead of localhost , the ip adress of heliohost server ?? Thanks so much for help Alwahsh
Great! I wasn't aware you could do this. How do you enter all four nameservers when the dns provider only shows 2 text fields for the nameservers? ie: ns1: ns2: actually someone told me this won't work as for the only 2 nameservers , this is in free domains such as co.cc but I think you can press add more nameservers . as for my domain I think I can have up to 10 or more nameservers > thanks so much byron for the info . I will tell you if it works . Thanks so much for the info . Now I still have one question : I added access to the ip of heliohost to my old host database using Remote MySQL . Now what should I do to make the files on heliohost access the database on my old host ?? Thanks Alwahsh I read on the internet and I found this solution : to write in the file which connects to the database instead of local host in the db server , I should replace it with the ip of my old host I'll try that and tell you the results and please tell me if there is a mistake . It didn't work , it gets me an error saying that the MySQL can't connect to sql server on "ip adress of my old host" , Any solutions ??
Using 1 database for 2 servers is what I meant . How can I do it ?? Now I have the database on my old host and on Heliohost too , so if I can use one of them for both servers , plz tell me how ?? and do you have a way to make my website be on one server for time and on the other site for the other time . If it's impossible , I can use the one database on 1 website only and then keep changing the nameservers from time to time manually . Thanks for your reply Alwahsh
I think this can not be performed then . Thanks for help btw my heliohost domain name is alwahshnt.net the same as my old host domain name
Thanks for answering . But I think I might face some problems : 1- should I set the nameservers of the domain to the name servers of my old host and heliohost at the same time like this : ns1.myoldhost.com ns2.myoldhost.com ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org 2- I set the domain of the heliohost host to alwahshnt.net , I mean alwahshnt.net is my main domain in heliohost's host 3- I have some databases , Can I connect the 2 data bases or use one database for both sites (like remote database connection or something like that) . I copied all the files from the old host to heliost , now heliohost's server have the same as my oldhost's server .
Hi , I need an expert to help me . I had some problems with my old host and wanted to move to heliohost . The old host provides more space and more bandwidth , I want to make my website work on both hosts and on the servers , I mean some visitors go to the old host and others come to here . To consume less bandwidth . Is that possible ?? and can any one help me with this ?? My website : http://www.alwahshnt.net