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Posts posted by Monkey

  1. As I said, I'd already tried with Chrome and IE. Last night I also checked with Firefox and still no luck.

    I had also tried Chrome and IE from my workplace with no luck.


    Anyway, as of this morning everything seems to be working ok.

    Will keep an eye on it and if it goes again, I'll do some more investigations to get as much info as possible and let you know.


    Cheers for the quick replies and suggestions.


  2. Are you sure it isn't working? When I type that URL in, I get:





    This site is currently being uploaded / setup on our host.

    Please come back soon.


    Thank you.



    Yep, that's my index alright.

    Odd. I'm not getting that at all.


    I have Chrome and Internet explorer at home and both time out.

    Same at work too.


    Cheers for checking, at least I know it is there, just have to figure out why it's timing out so much now.

    Any thoughts on any other things I can check would be grateful (I'm fairly new to this stuff)




  3. It's been a few day since I setup my account.

    On the first day when I visited my domain I saw the domain was suspended page just as the 'Hosting Account Installed' email said I would.

    Now that I visit the domain it seems as if the page can't be found. I have tried from a couple of internet connections and browsers just in case.


    My domain is: monkey.heliohost.org

    I also seem unable to get to cPanel via: monkey.heliohost.org/cpanel, even though it works via the login at the bottom of your home page.


    Any idea what the problem is?


    Many thanks.


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