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Everything posted by vstafford

  1. k i am pretty good with html but this i am having a problem with on my computer the site look pretty good but when i go to my friends computer and the menu on my site is crooked and some others stuff how can i make sure might site looks good on any resolution or can some one look at my site and see if they recommend a way to fix this please help!!!! here is the link http://freereggie.com
  2. Hey my domain is down hostrangers.com. I know you guys had some recent downtown. Could you check on this and see if there something wrong with my account. i cleared my cache and flushed my dns and my site is still down...
  3. I think leave the way it is.If they put more topics then they would have to mange them more and that's one more thing that they have to worrie about. This form was built to support people and there hosting problems. If people would like to talk about others things then hosting, there are plenty of forms out there on Google that people can join
  4. hey helionet team my name is Vlad and i was wondering how or what are the steps to become a helio host helper or where i can answer some of these questions or to do anything i can. i really like this team and i want to be a part of it. I have a huge amount of skills in cpanel controls,server control; like ssh scrips. I have been working with IT management and networking for over 10 years. I am not asking for a job or money i just want to help make this hosting the best that it can be. Thank you for taking the time to Liston to me
  5. nope thanks for everything.
  6. hey i have an account called dtp.heliohost.org but i have forgotten what the user name and password is to the cpanel login. if you guys can tell me what the user name is to that account i can probably figure the password out. Please help!!!! thank you.
  7. thanks for all your help please close this thread
  8. yes i want to make one but i want to keep my forum username and password how would i do that
  9. it should be vstafford.heliohost.org i don't have any add on domains at this time until further notice if you tell me whats that user name to that account i can probability can figure out the password thank you That domain doesn't come up, probably deleted due to inactivity. Sorry. k can you guys make a new account for me that would be great if you can thanks
  10. it should be vstafford.heliohost.org i don't have any add on domains at this time until further notice if you tell me whats that user name to that account i can probability can figure out the password thank you
  11. I have all ready tried logging in from the heliohost home page and i i all ready tried to reset my password but i never get my reset password email. and i am pretty sure my username is vlad7687 but i could be wrong any advise?
  12. hey guys i am having problems on logging in to cpanel. my cpanl username and password is not working please help. thanks guys you are the best.
  13. I am so glad you are back.I was feting worried that you might of ended. Thanks again for all your guys hard work on making heliohost one of the best hosting i have ever used
  14. Give it 24 to 48 hours and then try your mail. k thank you i will give it 24 to 48 hours to reset thank you again for all you hard work. This thread is resolved
  15. I'm not sure and that's why I had him try to delete them himself before I deleted the account. I would think me deleting his account would be the same as the system deleting his account (and the addons) because of inactivity. He can let us know if he'll try to add them now on his new account. You guys have done great i have been able to add my domains on my new account and i am so glad this is working again but i have a different problem now i don't know if i have to add a new thread in customer support or if i can add it here. I have a Google email service or Google apps for business email. i have added my mx entry in the email setting for dreamtechpc.com with mx Destination of ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM with a Priority of 0 and my email routing is set to Local Mail Exchanger. so i added those setting to my new account but i can not receive email from no one they said that they are getting there message that they have sent back in there inbox as failed to send message so i have no idea what's wrong.Please help
  16. Go to the cpanel of your old account and delete them. Thank you for replying so quickly i have tried to delete them but when i go to the add on domain list they don't show up on the list and there is no way to delete them at all.So i don't know if i am doing something or what please help thank you and have a good day
  17. k that's good to know can you reset my domains or release them on the old account so i can put them on the new one.b/c after i try to add a domain on my new account it say another user have it.so it still on the old account so if you could release them or delete them so i can add it to my new one that would be great thank you
  18. hey i am sorry for posting so many requests but you guys do so well on helping me with my problems. So anyway if you don't mind please delete my old cpanel account vstafford.heliohost.org. please dont be worried i am not quitting with you guys i just want my cpanel account deleted i have a new cpanel account created hostrangers.heliohost.org that i am using for now on. Please don't delete my forum account vlad7687 just delete my cpanel account vstafford.heliohost.org. Thank you for all your great help
  19. Thank you for your help and good service
  20. hey everyone the ftp is down and cpanel when i log in it just keeps loading and loading but nothing happens please would you check on that asap thank you
  21. your ftp is working and my site ftp is all so working.i don't know what ftp client you have but try having passive mode on and its your username and password that you use to login to cpanel.Hope this helps
  22. Just heads up i looked on my report and it is even slower. Just thought to tell you guys trying to help others to make heliohost best it can be. I support you guys 100% and willing to help in anyway i can. here is my report
  23. I am sorry about that I did not mean to break the policy please forgive me as i should of read the terms. If you would be so kind and delete my new account hostrangers.heliohost.org. Sorry for any trouble that this might have caused and please have a great day. thank you vstafford
  24. Hey guys I have a domain called hostrangers.com i added to my primary account add on list that i use (vstafford.heliohost.org) a couple of days ago i wanted to put this domain (hostrangers.com) on a new account (Hostrangers.heliohost.org). I created the new account, added to my domain list waited 24 hours to pair with the dns servers.but when i access (hostrangers.com:2082) and i put in my username and password for the new account but login failed so i tried my primary account username and password and it pulls up my primary account folder and stuff but i want it on my new account i tried to delete it on my primary account but it dose not show in the domain list nethier on the new account so plz help thank you
  25. Thank you DJ Bob I needed this. I love Heliohost
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