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  1. Done, smtp changed and sent some test mails with good results, what happen if the same guy or another one make a report of old mails I sent with the heliohost smtp? the mail you attached in the first answer is from 28 February, and I think is the last notice from mail I made.
  2. It doesn't matter now, this guy was informed and I'm waiting her answer, then I can complaint msn.com to her account about the false spam report. If you don't want to tell me something more, this topic can be closed, and give you thanks again for the support but still disappointed, sorry. See ya.
  3. But, this is a unreal report just because only one guy report us about a spam mail that can be some type of joke, mistake or vengeance for something (still need to talk with this guy to know what happen), at the same time and how you told me, spam report is really serious but all people can do this and without a real investigate more thoroughly some people/admin get affected, and who get affected this time?, me, for only ONE mail without investigate what type of mail is, the content, if there is strange links, etc. I hope my words don't bother you, but those responsible for these reports need to improve their work, I can't complain because we are using a free service (which I am very grateful) but in the case I'm using this as a business with a "premium account", what can I do? I hope you can understand me too and realize that the action to suspend my account was totally unfair. By now on, I go change the way to inform our players using a external smtp or provider interface. Really thanks for the support and very disappointed by the investigation.
  4. He do what?, Maon reported us about spam? Ok, time to get some talk with him. Anyways, please tell us if we can get unsuspended or we cant without chance to get a database backup. Thanks for the report .
  5. This is a "phpbb" forum comunity mail about our group of game (clan) telling all of our players about an important notice (in spanish), I just can't use the masive mail function of phpbb to inform the comunity? PD: By the way, this mail is 1 month old...
  6. a. username: seed b. server: stevie c. domain: seed.heliohost.org
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