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Posts posted by schimpfk

  1. I have the "Jpmaster77's login script" on my site and I wanted to add "Biography's" on the profiles.

    I created a new row in the 'users' table called 'bio' so I added this code to the 'userinfo.php' file:

    /* Bio*/
    echo "<b><u>Biography:</b></u> <br/> ".$req_user_info['bio']."</p></div>";


    I copied it from the E-mail one, which is:

    /* Email */
    echo "<b><u>E-mail:</b></u> <br/> ".$req_user_info['email']."</p><hr/>";

    (I just changed the 'email' to 'bio' )


    And here is the 'useredit.php' (edit profile) file for the editing bio:


    <div class="clear"></div>
     <p class="grid_2"><div align="center">Biography: </p>
     <p class="center">
      <input class="center" type="textarea" name="bio" maxlength="10000" value="<?php
      if($form->value("bio") == ""){
    echo $session->userinfo['bio'];
    echo $form->value("bio");
      <?php echo $form->error("bio"); ?>
     <div class="clear"></div>


    And I also just copied that from the "E-mail" edit profie, which is:


    <div class="clear"></div>
     <p class="grid_2"><div align="center">E-mail: </p>
     <p class="center">
      <input class="center" type="text" name="email" maxlength="50" value="<?php
      if($form->value("email") == ""){
       echo $session->userinfo['email'];
       echo $form->value("email");
      <?php echo $form->error("email"); ?>
     <div class="clear"></div>



    But my problem is when the user edits his profile nothing get submitted to the database and nothing obviously shows up on their profile.

    What am I doing wrong?


    What I said above is ALL did.


    Any nice help is really appreciated.


    [i also attached a picture of the 'bio' database row.]


    • Like 1
  2. I'm working on a login script but once I publish our site it says that there was an error on the following code:



    //We start sessions>






    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/kevinrox/public_html/register.php:3) in /home/kevinrox/public_html/config.php on line 3




    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/kevinrox/public_html/register.php:3) in /home/kevinrox/public_html/config.php on line 3

    /****************************************************** ------------------Required Configuration--------------- Please edit the following variables so the members area can work correctly. ******************************************************/ //We log to the DataBase mysql_connect('localhost', 'kevinrox_urban', ***Password***'); mysql_select_db('database'); //Webmaster Email $mail_webmaster = '****E-MAIL****'; //Top site root URL $url_root = '/index.php'; /****************************************************** -----------------Optional Configuration---------------- ****************************

    **************************/ //Home page file name $url_home = 'index.php'; //Design Name $design = 'default'; ?>




    I took the E-mail and password out in the screen capture, too!

    Please help!

  3. We create one for you by default, it's what redirects your site to the queued page when you create your account, so it always exists unless you choose to delete it later on. It's a . file (dotfile) which is hidden in Linux, when you use the cPanel file manager you have a checkbox that allows you to view hidden files, click this before clicking the Ok button. You can also see all files hidden or otherwise using FTP.



    Not helping, I just need to know how to change the default page.

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