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  1. Thanks so much!!!! We kno how to use HTML coding, how can we upload that to our website???
  2. Yeh we signed up with the url www.urbanartworks.net. we have bought that url so shouldnt we log in at www.urbanartworks.net/cpanel???? thanks
  3. We tryed again 3 times but it didnt work We really need some help with all the php coding and mySQL stuff. We dodnt understand it. Help is really appreciated. Thanks :) Thanks so much djbob. It appeared to have worked as when i tryed again it said user and url was already taken, but we havent recieved verification e-mail an we cannot loog into the cPanel. Is there anyway to resend it??? Thanks heaps :lol:
  4. Urban Art Works Hey we are three australian school boys doing a project on whether a graffiti wall will stop vandalism of public property. We bought a url, www.urbanartworks.net and didnt have enough money for hosting we are really begging helio for support and we would very much appreciate if our application for free webhosting is approved as ur assignment very much relies on the website. Why a website? We thought a website would be the best way to spread our message, ask for peoples opinion and gain support from our local community. One of our members knows how to set up a website and put on images but we were looking for some help with things like online surveys and videos. Please give us some help. Thanks very much everyone!!!
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