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Posts posted by luizmax

  1. Because of the cron tasks, my login does not work after the my account is unsuspended.

    Please delete all Addon Domains, including 'ibiritem.com.br' and also all files from account pwma2012.

    I'll redo the settings to not cause more problems.


    Thank U.


    PS: I have backup already.


    Username: pwma2012

    Server: stevie

    Domain: pwma.com.br


    Suspended 'pwma2012'

  2. Because of the cron tasks, my login does not work after the my account is unsuspended.

    Please delete all Addon Domains, including 'ibiritem.com.br' and also all files from account pwma2012.

    I'll redo the settings to not cause more problems.


    Thank U.


    PS: I have backup already.


    Username: pwma2012

    Server: stevie

    Domain: pwma.com.br


    Suspended 'pwma2012'

  3. <div>Thankss Krydos / Byron.</div>

    <div> </div>

    <div>I will solve this problem!</div>

    <div>Excuse me.</div>

    <div> </div>

    <div>Thank You once again</div>



    Thankss Krydos / Byron


    I will solve this problem!

    Excuse me


    Thank You once again


    At the moment, I deleted the directory 'mkt' completely. I will trace the viruses before upload the folder again.

  4. <div>Oh, I'm so sorry.</div>

    <div>Yes, I have trouble locating the files offensive. Please, can provide more information? Can you help me?</div>

    <div> </div>

    <div> </div>





    Yes, I have trouble locating the files offensive. Please, can provide more information? Can you help me?




    I'll backup now, but not sure if I will find the malware

  5. Suspended: lanc.heliohost.org/luizmax.heliohost.org

    luizmax / lanc8




    I need to delete the 'sergiomoveis.net.br' domain from: lanc.heliohost.org or luizmax.heliohost.org suspended accounts (can not remember which exactly). These accounts were closed many months ago, and now I need to configure emails from domain 'sergiomoveis.net.br' but I can not because this set to GoogleApps.

    Please delete this domain.

  6. Queued: lanc.heliohost.org/luizmax.heliohost.org









    I need to delete the 'sergiomoveis.net.br' domain from: lanc.heliohost.org or luizmax.heliohost.org suspended accounts (can not remember which exactly). These accounts were closed many months ago, and now I need to configure emails from domain 'sergiomoveis.net.br' but I can not because this set to GoogleApps.

    Please delete this domain.

  7. My account 'pwma2012' was suspended. Please check.


    I believe the reason is because I was accessing other two accounts on the same computer, IP: (dafnemel & luizinho).


    The 'dafnemel' customer's account and can be excluded because it is not used. 'luizinho' can also be excluded for the same reason, but I need the backup files.


    pwma2012 is my account that I use. Please unsuspended !...





    Username: pwma2012

    Server: stevie

    Domain: pwma.com.br

  8. Dear Shinryuu,


    I received again the backup "luizmax8" and once again I could not download it. For some reason this is happening ... You can try to share with my email "contato@pwma.com.br"?


    Yes, of course! I am awaiting for I know that everything will be resolved. I trust in their competence. I ask only that does not spending many hours, because today still I need to put files "lanc" and "luizmax" in the air elsewhere.


    LOCAL GMT: 03:44 PM - Brazil.


    EDIT: Ok, pwma2012 backup I already downloaded

  9. Dear Shinryuu, thank you very much!




    I can not find the backup of accounts (lanc.heliohost and luizmax.heliohost). I do not remember the email I used to create them.


    What can be done?


    You can reactivate these accounts just so I can see the e-mail address used to create them, or tell me? In the first case I myself will delete the accounts: 'luizmax' and 'lanc'.


    Hope hear you.


    I located the email account luizmax8 (luizmax.heliohost), but when I tried to download the backup appeared the message: "This item may have been deleted or expired or you may not have permission to view it. For more information, contact the owner of the item"


    EDIT: I don't located the email account lanc (lanc.heliohost). This account is very important because the files stored on it.

  10. Thank you for the reply...


    The reason I have others accounts is that one is personal to host my site, others is to advise clients (3) who can not manage their files or do not have time.

    A few years ago I have HELIOHOST account, and I liked a lot, not only because it is free, but mostly for support, applications and SERIOUSNESS HELIOHOST team that provides its users.

    I do free advertising for HELIOHOST by such my admiration and joy to be part of this team. However, I do not divulge this tool at random, for anyone.

    In just over 2 years account on HELIOHOST I invited 4 people, and it is not much. These people / co-users are identified and managed by me, reason why I created other accounts.


    Hoping to hear from you, a positive response to my request to keep my accounts.


    Best Regards,





    However, if my reason is not enough for you to keep my bills I know understand, considering you mentioned heliohost policy states, Ok

    But ... Being user heliohost is addictive and is very good!!!!

    I have created more than one account, yes, but not exactly for me, though I like to have many accounts...



  11. Username: luizinho

    Server: Johnny

    Domain: luizfilho.heliohost.org



    Yesterday I was using my email account to receive a batch of only 10 e-mail with links to download, and stopped working. Soon after I realized that my account was suspended, as well as other accounts that I am the webmaster, although I only administrator. Anyway, all accounts were Suspended.


    They are:

    a. pwma2012> Stevie> 'pwma.com.br' (my / staff)

    b. lanc> Stevie> lanc.heliohost.org (Adm)

    c. luizmax8 >> Stevie> luizmax.heliohost.org (Adm)

    d. luizinho> Johnny> luizfilho.heliohost.org (Adm)


    Only the account 'a' has active traffic on the Internet, for now.

    Take this opportunity to ask for the release for use and reactived of the accounts: 'b', 'c' and 'd'.


    Please can you help me and reactivate my accounts?



    Luiz Max

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