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  1. a. vishal50 b. vishalsarkar2050.heliohost.org c. Johnny. Please, deploy OVIS.war. Thanks
  2. if war file is deployed then can i empty public html folder ?
  3. but sir i cant login only home page is displayed. which is placed in puclic-html when i deleted from public html 404 error is shown when i click on registration page this error is shown type Status report message /OVIS/registration1.jsp description The requested resource is not available. now i am placing all the pages in public html. . can u tell me where to put my package to that all jsp pages can import. . . if this problem is solved i dont need to deploy war file.. please help how much time it require to work properly ?
  4. but its not working....
  5. a. vishal50 b. vishalsarkar2050.heliohost.org c. Johnny. Please, deploy OVIS.war. Thanks
  6. Where To Put Java Package In Public Html Directory? so that all jsp pages can successfully import package?
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