Hi, My account was activated and I started uploading last night via FTP and could access cpanel via site url and when I pointed my browser to url, site would come up. Today when I point my browser to url I am being sent to old host error page and as such it would appear is using the old hosts name servers. I can however login to cpanel via heliohost site and login to ftp using shared ip address but not ftp server name.
What's interesting is that I set up a subdomian but when I point my browser to that it works.
domain = wildish-geese.co.cc
nameservers used:
Can someone help please?
Also I set up a subdomain and addon domain but can't remove them from cpanel now, could you remove these as I only set them up for testing.
Subdomain = lvlacleod.wildish-geese.co.cc
Addon Domain = wildish-geese.co.nz
Message I get when trying to remove addon domain = Error from park wrapper: Sorry, you do not control the domain wildish-geese.co.nz
Message I get when trying to remove subdomain = Sorry, the subdomain lvlacleod cannot be removed because it is linked to the addon domain wildish-geese.co.nz. You must first remove the addon domain.
Thanks in advance