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Everything posted by leonardobuares

  1. a. leobuare b. Stevie c. leonardobuares.com.br Again, I'll try write code well, Thanks.
  2. Thanks, have a "hint" to not overload the server?
  3. a. leobuare b. Stevie c. leonardobuares.com.br Thanks.
  4. Username: leobuare Server: Stevie Domain: http://leonardobuares.com.br When I try to log into cpanel says the following message: "Login Attempt Failed." I tried resetting the password but it says my account is suspended. Please, help-me
  5. I managed to change the dns, but my domain is queued, can release me? Username: leobuare Server: Stevie Domain: http://leonardobuares.com.br Thank you! I think my account is suspended, why?
  6. Ok, thank you. But there's nothing I can do to give dns for my domain? (he is the main accommodation) I'll try to consult the support registro.br too. Sorry for my bad English. Thankful.
  7. It appears that when I try to put the http://registro.br, what to do? Servidor DNS Master: Domínio desconhecido The http://registro.br recognizes ns2.heliohost.org but does not recognize the ns1.heliohost.org.
  8. Username: leobuare Server: Stevie Domain: http://leonardobuares.com.br Help-me please
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