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Posts posted by caretcaret

  1. Hi, I am using Python with Django. I am new to it and I am learning it.

    I followed the instructions on the page for Python/Django. I started a small project (for now). The thing is, I used the server that came with Django on my computer, and my project works. When I move it on to HelioHost, it doesn't work. I put the project folder under /public_html/ and have the .htaccess and the dispatch.wsgi in the project folder with the right permissions. Going to my website, http://<website>/<projectfolder> brings up the code of dispatch.wsgi. http://<website>/ gives a directory of /public_html/ because I haven't set up an index page yet (I set Django to provide a page when http://<website>/ is requested).

    The Django files are .py, should they be .pyc?

    Am I forgetting to do something (like starting up Django, if there is such a thing), am I doing something wrong, or what?

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