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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Don't make me! Okay fine. 1283..
  2. ..Dare I say it...? WORLD OF WARCRAFT!!!!
  3. Yeah. But like everything, grain of salt. At worse...try not to use it as a source for anything. It should satisfy personal curiousity.
  4. Canadian....eh.
  5. Issen ni jyaku hachi jyuu ichi (1281)
  6. loki

    Starting up

    You can get your own top level domain from heliohost after you've posted like 400 posts on these forums. Otherwise you'll have to get your own TLD or use a heliohost subdomain i.e nameofyourwebsite.heliohost.org. Cheers. I see. Good to know. What can I do in the mean time regarding hosting?
  7. loki

    Starting up

    Hello everyone. I am completely new to webhosting. I looked up Heliohost on a hosting review site and decided to come take a look. When I tried to sign up, it said that I had to have a top level domain name set up already. But I read in the reviews that Heliohost allows you to create your own domain names. This kind of feels like a chicken-and-the-egg dilemma. What am I supposed to do exactly to start up?
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