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Everything posted by mollock

  1. mollock

    I'm back

    Seconded. Djbob has created loads of expectations ...
  2. Hi, do you mean a java applet or a jsp/servlet app ?
  3. mollock

    MEGA Downtime

    Last 8 days are over 99% uptime (7 days at 100%, 1 day at 99.65%). I think that djbob has fixed the problem as it was noticed by the secondary admin (Kyougi).
  4. My site (well, it's more a project of site or a very early alpha ...) is in java (JSP + servlets). It seems java is not working for me. Anyone else experiencing the same issue ? Thanks
  5. Ahaaaa ! I got 2009 before you ! I can already tell you that 2009 looks like 2008. You'll see ...
  6. Happy 2009 from France !
  7. mollock

    MEGA Downtime

    Incredible to see how uptime has improved : 2008-12-24 : 04.89% 2008-12-25 : 41.09% 2008-12-25 : 89.54% 2008-12-27 : - 100% - (thx gillam for the hosttracker site)
  8. mollock

    MEGA Downtime

    I think Santa Claus brought us a good gift this year. Helio's working ! (except jsp but this must be fine tuning)
  9. Merry Christmas to all of you buddies !
  10. 1298
  11. mollock

    MEGA Downtime

    Hi Gillam, is there a way to follow these stats ? a page where this information is updated ? Thank you in advance !
  12. Hello guys, I had the java jsp/servlet option activated by djbob. JSP is working very well ! Now i am trying to put some servlets but i get stuck. I copy the .class on WEB-INF/classes but after that how to run it from the browser ? I have tried to set a web.xml on WEB-INF directory but it seems to have no effect. Is there a tutorial about deploying/using servlets on heliohost ? Otherwise can someone explain the way it works ? Thank you in advance !
  13. Interesting feedback on reCAPTCHA ! At least your CAPTCHA is really really secure.
  14. I though animals were not going to heaven because you need a soul to go there. Maybe it also depends on religions. And it mainly depends whether they have been good or bad dinosaurs during their life ...
  15. I am spanish living in France, Paris. Paris is a city that everybody wants to visit but nobody wants to live in ...
  16. I drive a Peugeot 605. Yes it is the brand of Columbo's car ! And well, it is ... a french car ...
  17. Am I the only Java user here ? I think JSP / Servlet is powerfull and reliable. You can take advantage of a big community (including apache.org) providing loads of open source packages.
  18. 1280
  19. Same for me. I was surprised and thought the system was down. In fact i was only unable to read the captcha. There is this new captcha system. Re-captcha ( http://recaptcha.net/learnmore.html ) that seems to be secure and helps digitalizing books ...
  20. mollock

    Server Downed

    I am new member since today. djbob, good to know that heliohost is going on for 3 years and going on as I plan to stay for long time
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