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Everything posted by biasaf

  1. Yeah, yeah, and if you're the top cheerleader in the cheerleading pyramid and the bottom-left cheerleader sneezes.. errr, we're going to just cut that off right there. Anyways, in the last fifteen hours your account has caused 5th most load on the server. So in the last six hours you've dropped quite a bit, and I would say that you're mostly safe from suspension at this point. No, not all suspensions are permanent. Generally with high load type suspensions we have a three strikes and you're out policy. That said, some suspensions are permanent on the first time and no one, not even the bottom-left cheerleader can save you from that fate worse than death. Okayy sounds good I removed a JavaScript code which seemed to slow the website down. It's called "Opentip" if everyone has it... Could you please tell me where I am right now? Is there still an high load?
  2. Oh so it's not permanent? That's better. I thought I was going to lose data so I hyped over it... In any case, I think I managed to solve the problem... the "culprit" might have been the "OPENTIP" framework for some odd reasons. Could you please tell me where do I stand as of now?
  3. Oh... oops! :S So... is it still bad? Here's what I did to (try) and fix it: - Deleted the plugin "Wordpress Tweaks" - Cleaned my functions.php file. - Deleted oversized wordpress error_logs - Deleted random.php and tried to look if anything changes in the server load, but no (It's back up now) - Changed the random.php file and optimized it (hopefully) - Deleted every trace of cache/cache plugin from wordpress. Moderators, please try to hold the suspension! I'm trying my best to figure out the problem. + I don't have a full backup yet I tried backing up using cPanel, and I received a success notification but I have no idea where to actually get the file.. Another thing I noticed: It's been suffering from error code 500 again, but sometimes I manage to load the website. What happens is that the posts load real quick, while the sidebar and footer are missing! The problem might be there and I'm going to investigate it. For now it's pretty late and I'm going to leave the website as it it, hoping I will stabilize over-night.
  4. Nope. The only plugins I use that were not written by me are: - WP Yoast SEO - Akismet - WP-pageNavi - Wordpress Tweaks (x) - Wordpress Social Login The rest are just little tweaks I thought would be better added as plugins instead of directly inside the theme. I don't think any of those would do produce a high-load... Then again, I think cache is the problem. Another change I did in the last 9 hours is set-up cloudflare... If that helps... Nothing else... Is there a way I could view the load from cPanel? Is it still high? Edit: Just disabled "Wordpress Tweaks" + found server load on cPanel. It's still high and I have no idea what's causing it... Edit2: Deactivated ALL plugins, load seems to go down! (~6.5 now, was 15) EDIT3: False alarm! Server load increasing... up to 13 - I have no idea why I'm not even doing anything
  5. A common misconception is that no matter how you set up a wordpress blog it can't cause high load. I guess this might even be true for newer versions of wordpress with no modifications, themes, or plugins. I say newer versions because some older versions had a wp-cron.php bug that would cause massive load anyways. An analogy is like saying, "It's a Toyota Prius! How can it have bad MPG?" But then you see the whole picture, and someone has strapped rocket engines on their Prius that guzzle 1031 gallons of fuel per second. That file, out of all? It's a pretty short code that returns the title, author, and another meta value of a random post, nothing more... However, since it's a non-wordpress file, which needs to use wordpress functions I had to include a wordpress file "wp-blog-header.php". I'd guess this what causes the problem but this is a pretty common way to do it, and there are not any people with a familiar case... according to google that is. Feb 28th was actually the day with most visitors (19 generally, 10 unique) in the past month. Today stats are not as good (less than a half actually), and since random.php has been up a few days before the 28th, I guess this couldn't be it. As I said, I did play with cache settings in the past day/two so that could be it. Edit: Problem is back right now, in case you want to observe the behavior of it.
  6. Highest load? But this is only a pretty basic wordpress blog... Do you think it has anything to do with the caching plugins? Thats the only "heavy" activity I could've done in the past 9 hours... if at all I wanted to reduce load by caching. I disabled every plugin/piece of code that had anything to do with it. Please hold the suspension for a little while until I figure this problem out!
  7. Hi, it goes "Error establishing a database connection", and then a few refreshes later "500 internal server error... contact the webmaster (blablabla - not a real error explanation)". As I said, it happens about every half an hour, and stays like that for about 2-3 minutes, and then back to normal. Sometimes wordpress does load, but it gives me an error within wordpress saying that the database is unreachable.
  8. Hello, I've been using this host for about 2 months now, and I really like it. In the last week or two, I started to notice a lot of of database errors and 500 errors. I first thought it was because of a wordpress cache plugin I installed which seemed to cause problems for some people but apparently I was wrong, since when I get the database errors, I can access the database from the cpanel as well... Also, I tried switching plugins and completely uninstalling them, which ended in the same errors. So I was wondering... where does this problem come from? Could it my wordpress installation or perhaps a server problem? I'm on "Stevie", and my site is not that heavy at all so I wouldn't expect such behavior. I do appreciate the free amazing service, god bless you all, but I'd like to know where the problem comes from, since I won't be able to use this host if it's unsolvable (it literally happens every half an hour). My website is : http://gozumu.com Hope you can help me figure it out! Thanks!
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