A common misconception is that no matter how you set up a wordpress blog it can't cause high load. I guess this might even be true for newer versions of wordpress with no modifications, themes, or plugins. I say newer versions because some older versions had a wp-cron.php bug that would cause massive load anyways. An analogy is like saying, "It's a Toyota Prius! How can it have bad MPG?" But then you see the whole picture, and someone has strapped rocket engines on their Prius that guzzle 1031 gallons of fuel per second. That file, out of all? It's a pretty short code that returns the title, author, and another meta value of a random post, nothing more... However, since it's a non-wordpress file, which needs to use wordpress functions I had to include a wordpress file "wp-blog-header.php". I'd guess this what causes the problem but this is a pretty common way to do it, and there are not any people with a familiar case... according to google that is. Feb 28th was actually the day with most visitors (19 generally, 10 unique) in the past month. Today stats are not as good (less than a half actually), and since random.php has been up a few days before the 28th, I guess this couldn't be it. As I said, I did play with cache settings in the past day/two so that could be it. Edit: Problem is back right now, in case you want to observe the behavior of it.