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  1. Grunt... The site was just rebuilt because of an AnonymousFox attack. Hence, new password was used, all the while using the latest CMS version. I do not think it was compromised from the start, as this time I installed Joomla through CPanel. However, if you can just read the config files and extract credentials, Joomla security is a joke... I did not even had time to run a a backup... how annoying!
  2. Hello, I have been rebuilding my website after a spambot attack required its deletion. I was almost there, but today, the MySQL database has just disappeared... Database name is "mariopil_808" and the MySQL databases cPanel reports it at 0 Bytes... this is a Joomla site. Best Regards, Mario N.
  3. I attempted to use my original address, "mariopilot.heliohost.org", but the system said I could not use this as heliohost.org is owned by someone else (duh?) I will be quite happy to use (keep) my old domain name! how to?
  4. Hello, I re-opned a new domain since the original was hacked: DNS DCV: “mariopilot.org” is not a registered domain.; HTTP DCV: “mariopilot.org” is not a registered domain. It has been two weeks and the domain is still queued it seems (navigate to IP Is there anything wrong with my setup? Am I forgetting something? .Best Regards, Mario N.
  5. Disregard, I have gone for a more compact one! Best Regards, Mario N.
  6. THanks for the tommy invite. Any way I can get the same domain name? Thanks, M.
  7. This is worrying! THis site shall not be sending any e-mail. THere is a contact form where people can contact me, but that is it. I am afraid the page must have been infiltrated.... Please look it up if you can! The site is powered by Joomla.
  8. Hello (Helio) All! For some reason, my account has been suspended. May be inactivity, although last time i was sent an e-mail to log into cpanel before that happened. The site is supposed to contain just flight simulator downloadable content (gaming). If this is not the case, and you find that something else is in the page, then it has been attacked (but why? I get little visits anyway). Best Regards, Mario N.
  9. HelioTeam, Thanks for the excellent service. A donation is on its way! Regards, Mario
  10. Hello All, I had an account on Tommy: mariopilot.heliohost.org username: mario808 I signed up for ricky server, same e-mail address as before, and username and domain as above (same as original account on Tommy). Although I am able to complete the signup, the "Your account has not been created yet, but it should be soon. Refresh the page to check again" message never clears. This has happened two times in a row, and since here in the UK sign ups reopen at 1AM, I am hoping not to wait until that time again...! Can the great staff at Helio look after this? Many Many Thanks, Mario
  11. Hello support team, My account has been suspended. This does not seem to be caused by inactivity, bu I might be wrong. mariopilot.heliohost.org Thanks for the help! Mario
  12. Thanks for support, back online Regards, Mario
  13. Fair enough, sir! can you check if the subdomain is still "used"? if it is, just proceed to eliminate it, so I can create it from scratch again! Mario
  14. Dear HelioTeam, My account is/was on Stevie. As the server sadly died on October, I did not have time or means to ask for a transfer to Tommy. The account may have been deleted already. This is not a problem as I am changing e-mail address as well and it may be a good idea to create a new account from scratch. I signed up as mario.noriegaf {at} gmail.com, but Tommy is available for signup only when I am deep asleep (in UK). The account is intended to be mariopilot.heliohost.org. I'd like that not to change if possible! Can you queue me up for signup? Thanks for the great service, Mario
  15. Thanks for the quick support! please consider my suggestion of sending users a warning e-mail a day before or so!
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