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Posts posted by panela

  1. Krydos thanks for the help, but this software does not change the status of my project.

    The problem is in the heliohost timezone, which is Pacific time.

    To solve, only change the file "php.ini" my account. I do not know if it is possible on the server of you. You have to configure php to my account?? As regards the timezone?? I did another project with the same script in a host in Brazil and the result was expected, because the server uses the following brasileiro timezone in php.ini:

    date.timezone = "America / Sao_Paulo"

  2. Hello Byron. The problem that happens in my project is the following: When I release an article on my site from 0 hours of my local time, the article comes out with yesterday's date as the host heliohost works with Pacific Time. I've done tests with host in Brazil working with the time America / Sao_Paulo and article out correctly.

    The problem is not in the time of the site but in horario de approval of articles.





    he only way I'm able to approve my articles is freeing them from america 4:00 / Sao_Paulo, which would be the horario de 0 hours Pacific Time. I'm losing 4 hours and access my readers.

  3. Good evening team helionet.


    I'm still having a problem related to the time of my project.


    I did as taught our moderator Ice and failed


    I created a file. htaccess file in public_html with SetEnv TZ timezone and did not work.


    I know that web hosting is free, but I wonder if it could be changed the timezone in cpanel whm server.

    my timezone is America / Sao_Paulo.

    My GMT - 3.


    I would be grateful if it were possible, because I've tried everything and not getting any results. My project is very important to my knowledge


    My HelioHost username: panela


    Server :Stevie


    Domain: linkslegais.tk


    Thanks team Heliohost.

  4. Hello Heliohost team. I have a problem in hosting. I changed the url of my site for over 24 hours and so random, keeps showing the following message: HELIOHOST ACCOUNT QUEUED

    Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. Usually this process takes 24 hours, and once it is complete Should your website show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel.


    Thanks for choosing HelioHost! We wish you good luck with your website.


    The HelioHost Staff


    Wanted to know if there is any problem with the configuration.



  5. I'm having problems in phpMyAdmin. I can not send any file to the database. No matter-insensitive file. I always get is message: No data received on import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration. Performed all procedures the FAQ and no success.


    thank you

  6. I'm having problems in phpMyAdmin. I can not send any file to the database. No matter-insensitive file. I always get is message: No data received on import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration. Performed all procedures the FAQ and no success.


    thank you

  7. Hello team heliohost



    I'm having problems in phpMyAdmin. I can not send any file to the database. No matter-insensitive file. I always get is message: No data received on import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration. Already fealizei procedures the FAQ and no solution.


    Thanks for your help and look forward answer.


    Thank you



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