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Posts posted by amhso

  1. oh. hehe i have stopped gaming since anyways. got in lots of trouble at school, not grade-wise, but behavior, so I really can't use games for the rest of my life as long as I'm in my parents' household. So it's giving me all these years to learn linux and whatnot. But this is very useful for gamers.

  2. On my site, http://spudguns.trap17.com , I must have done something wrong with coding. Actually, maybe just messy, but it works in every browser but IE. in IE the boxes on the side (the ones labeled Nagvigation, externel links, and stats) stick into content. I have been looking at it for 2 weeks and could not find what is wrong. I think this turns many of my visitors away, so i want to fix this. Any suggestions?

  3. i believe most browser games get lame after a while. Unless you find hundreds of people that will beta test, then like it, then it doesn't matter if people quit because people will still sign up and paly as the old ones quit.


    Meaning: Don't bother unless you REALLY believe that you can get people to play it, and not quit.

  4. I got to say that's a rediculous idea, that's HUGE! it's like a desktop-desktop (with detachable monitor). It's almost like me carrying my 17" sony LCD along with my keyboard and having the box duct taped onto the bottom of the keyboard...then lets take that around onto an airplane! YEAH!...no.

  5. amd's are nice because for the same price, you get a less energy consuming and 64bit supporting processor. only down is the reliability and multitasking is not as good (intel has HyperThreading). But for gaming, it's proven that amd 64's are better than pentium 4's

  6. I prefer linux over all the others because it's more reliable and hogs less resources making your computer run faster than other OS's, while still letting you change hardware to what you like, unlike mac's. The overall flexibility of Linux is better too, you can make it do whatever you want, and look the way it wants, and perferm the way you want. Not only that, but it doesn't hide things from you. Windows and OSX hide all system processes from you, even as administrator. In linux, you can find everything you want...and more. Don't forget that over 60-70% of the servers that make up the web run off of linux for reliability and useability, and security.

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