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  1. Thank you whole-heartedly! It's just a bit hard for a newbie to figure out that "a new domain" at the official instruction page really means "a sub-domain". Regardless. I'll follow your advice only could you be a little more specific about mapping created by cPanel please? yours` sehrguey
  2. "The easiest way to deploy a Ruby on Rails application on HelioHost... is creating a new domain with the document root [Home Directory]/app_name/public" These lines from http://wiki.helionet.org/Deploying_a_Rails_application_on_HelioHost made me try to create an addon-domain with cpanel. There is a hint on the creation page: "Hint: This feature must be enabled for your account before you can use it. Addon domains will not function unless the domain name is registered with a valid registrar and configured to point to the correct DNS servers." The hint flew far above my head and my try at creating an addon domain ended in even less comprehensible (for me) message: "Using nameservers with the following IPs:, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver." Help me, please. yours` sehrguey
  3. Thank you. yours` sehrguey
  4. Do you suggest to delete the application folders at maht.heliohost.org/rails_apps/blog that were produced by cpanel (usual bunch of Rails folders, you know, for me to fill up with my code) and create everything anew and manually? I could do that but for fear of breaching the instructions at the cpanel RoR index page. Do you mean the file_manager_produced folders will be recognized as RoR application even when created in deviation of the eye-candied cpanel RoR index page? And how will they interact with the underlying framework structures? amazedly yours` sehrguey
  5. There are 2 news: the first is new` the second is old` Could it have anything to do with the port issue? Only this time it is error 500. yours` sehrguey
  6. Never mind, we are human. The updated script though also failed` Here is line 4` I suppose it failed because of compound $appname and absence of directory rails_apps in "public_html". I may be wrong and I'm afraid of screwing things up by adding directory there. shyly yours` sehrguey
  7. I'm sure it does not. So am I! There's no /home/sehrguey/blog/public, there is /home/sehrguey/rails_apps/blog/public and if it is the reason for the symlink script failure then I followed the instructions` What to do now? yours` sehrguey
  8. The info about port :12231 I gathered from my cpanel ror index page, where it runs as follows` "Current Rewrites http://maht.heliohost.org/rails_apps/blog/ http://maht.heliohost.org:12231/ " What depends on me for the port to be opened on your servers and getting rid of error 502? Thank you for the improved version of the symlink script, I'll sure give it a try. Yours` sehrguey 1) the new symlink file: <?php $username = "sehrguey"; $appname = "blog"; $symlink = symlink("/home/" . $username . "/" . $appname . "/public","/home/" . $username . "/public_html/" . $appname); if (!$symlink) { die("Creating link failed. Check your error_log."); } else { echo "Link created successfully!"; echo readlink("/home/" . $username . "/public_html/" . $appname); } ?> 2) response to using it: and 3) quotation from my error_log: I don't seem to figure out the full meaning of all that. Could you clarify, please? yours` sehrguey
  9. Congratulations! In a snap or fifty, here is my site! maht.heliohost.org/rails_apps/blog a.k.a Alas! When trying to open the view, I get answer (page 502) from which is apache server at heliohost informing of unidentifiable error from the upstream server (which is also within heliohost system?). That's what I assume browsing my (supposedly) deployed yet not working Rails application - there is some internal server glitch at heliohost. I might be wrong, please, indicate at what point(s). I'll eagerly learn about server ports and the like matters. yours` sehrguey
  10. Thank you, as an eternal newbie, I don't see any alternative to patiently waiting for someone offers their help in this wonderland. gratefully yours` serguey
  11. Oh, dear You got at it! All I want right now is to ask the lurks HOW they managed to make their apps to work. Is there a way to get their emails for beggardly PM-ing them? Secondly, I sure researched the main "ruby and RoR forum" and learned two and a half tons yet were it even thirty there is no mentioning of this here hosting.org I liked so dearly and cannot tear it out from my heart. yours` sehrguey
  12. 1) how long does it take a moderator to get directory listing? 2) how long to wait before repeating your question or sending it to another forum without becoming a cross-posting nerd? yours` sehrguey
  13. You've presented me with a beam of hope. anticipatingly yours` sehrguey
  14. Here is the requested info` cpanel user name: sehrguey; main domain: maht.heliohost.org; server: johnny Thank you for your kind attention. yours` sehrguey
  15. Present situation is as follows: 1) Rails application is created at cpanel, is running, its URL is rewritten for redirection; 2) Symlink is present ("Link created successfully!"); 3) RoR application's public folder contains .htaccess file with RailsBaseURI /blog; 4) RoR application 'blog' that works OK at my home PC is uploded to the folders of blog at cpanel; 5) Browsers open index.html (the rails sticker) in application's public folder; But 6) Tries to open application views (not the rails sticker) result either in a blank page or (in case of Google Chrome) with dismal "Oops! This link appears to be broken." Help if you can please. yours` sehrguey
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