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  1. I agree. Usually only major label artists are on the radio because the labels pay for them to be. A lot of the time I download a few songs to check out bands before spending my money on the CD. Some artists even encourage P2P, it helps to get smaller artist's music heard.
  2. I use Windows XP but I'm considering switching to Linux...
  3. True. I also prefer AMD to Intel.
  4. Well, the Playstation series of consoles usually has a larger variety of games and more 3rd party companies making games for it.
  5. Yep, my computer isn't too good.... the main thing in msn that slows my computer down is those "big conversations" with more than two participants. They make my computer die... Yeah, I kinda can relate to you with that. I downloaded msg plus and a plug-in or two and yet I think MSN Messenger has too many useless features, like winks and nudges! [bleeped!], I hate those!
  6. w00! Especially blink. Haha..
  7. Yeah, I can be like that with some music but with GD's "American Idiot" album I get bored of it pretty easily. Speaking of AI, have you seen Jesus Of Suburbia's music video? It's pretty good!
  8. LIAR!!! lol :whistle: Lalala, dum, dee, dum....
  9. That was absurdly off topic. lol, when I first read it, I assumed that he was referring to their instant messengers, not some search engine! I think he was referring to the Instant Messengers when he said MSN & Yahoo but he says the only way he would prefer Google is if he was searching for something on the internet. Or am I just pointing out the obvious? Probably.. I don't know. Ohwell. Anyways, I prefer MSN Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger. I use these because the majority of people I know use MSN and only MSN. Although a few use AIM too. And some online people I know only use AIM. The down-side to MSN Messenger is that it uses up lotsa CPU and if you own a computer which isn't too good (like mine) it slooows it down a lot. More "minimalistic" IMers (like AIM for example) don't. I've rarely been using MSN lately. I occasionally go on but I can't be bothered with some of my contacts and they go all "OMFGZZ" if you block them so I usually just don't go online. And MSN annoys me a lot. I usually have far more pointless conversations on MSN. I'm usually signed in to AIM tho. I only have one person who annoys me on AIM and I usually have them blocked so it's okay. I think I might check out Google Talk sometime.
  10. Hello, hello, hello. I'm new. Well... I signed up last night. And posted a bit too. But ssh.
  11. I like, I like.
  12. Well yeah, it's not bad that their songs get over-played, I mean, it's good for them, shows how successful they are. But when a song gets over-played so much that you get sick of the song...
  13. From what I've heard from others about it... yes.
  14. omfgzz lolz rele???? kthx!!11!1one!! EDIT// On second thoughts, that is actually a rather amusing story.
  15. That was pretty funny. Now where's that "forward" button....
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