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Everything posted by nicflohn

  1. hi i am nicholas and i am new....looks really cool
  2. wow sounds like ur working hard to keep this place up to date. u did a really good job
  3. wow...i didnt know that so many things were allowed
  4. i dont understand y people give away free stuff on the internet???
  5. wow sounds cool i think that i will try it
  6. try makeing sure that the TV cables are plugged in in the right spots and you plugged it into the wall (power socket)
  7. happy birthday to whoever's b'day it is today!!
  8. he everyone ali sent me to this wonderful site and i think that it is so cool! Gamemaster_268: proxy use, 50 point fine.
  9. nicflohn


    i would like to make a website...how do i do that???
  10. i prefer MSN of Yahoo any day.......unless i am doing a hw search
  11. wow...i didnt think that people would get hacked on such a peacefull site...
  12. if anyone was a racist and admits it the must be really thickheaded
  13. i am new but so far i think that this place rocks really really alot!!!
  14. hey i am new and want to make a webpage
  15. i really hate racists...if they are here they should be kicked
  16. i hate it when people lie about free stuff....
  17. yo was up? i am new and wondering what there is that is cool around here???
  18. i really hate it when people lie about free things...
  19. hey i dont think that racists are here... if they are here they should be banned
  20. hi i am new and ali sent me. this seems really cool!!!
  21. hi i am Nic and i like to play sports. Ali sent me.
  22. lol thats funny
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