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Posts posted by chrisrulz911

  1. nice, i didnt see anything wrong with the old one, although there should be some sort of bot thing, that you could send items to and receive the designated award. Sometimes it takes a while to send it to an acutal human being.

  2. So this tutorial is mainly useful for games, like if you're selling something.


    This tutorial I wrote myself..Props to me if you distribute it...


    Level: Medium


    Step 1:


    Make a timer, and a textbox on you're form..Make sure it's named Timer1 and the textbox's name is Textbox1. Set your timer's interval to 150, by going to the properties menu, and changing it.


    Step 2:


    Double click your form...


    Step 3:


    Scroll to the top of your form's code and add this:


    Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer

    Step 4:


    Exit out of the code window, and back to your form window...


    Step 5:


    Double click you're timer, and add this:


    If GetAsyncKeyState(vbkeyF1) Then
    SendKeys Text1.text
    SendKeys "{Enter}"
    End If

    Step 6:


    Exit out of the code window, and try it out by running your program, typing something in the textbox, and pressing F1




    I hope I was specific enough, and if you want multiple spammers:


    If GetAsyncKeyState(vbkeyF1) Then
    SendKeys Text1.text
    SendKeys "{Enter}"
    End If
    If GetAsyncKeyState(vbkeyF2) Then
    SendKeys Text2.text
    SendKeys "{Enter}"
    End If

    Add another textbox named Text2, and use F2 to control the second spammer...


    I might add more tutorials later

  3. lol, if anyone wanted the source of the javascript here it is:



    <script language="JavaScript">


    function right(e) {

    if ((navigator.appName == 'Netscape' &&

    (e.which == 2 || e.which == 3))


    (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' &&

    (event.button == 2 || event.button == 3 || event.button == 1)))


    alert("Right Clicks are Disabled");

    alert("Hey...! I asked you not to COPY ANY STUFF IN HERE!!");

    alert("Please try to understand");

    alert("But you disobeyed");

    alert("Now what should i do?");

    alert("Call you names?");

    alert("Or take some legal action against you?");

    alert("I told you, i will take some serious action");

    alert("You were trying to copy stuff, weren't you?");

    alert("So well i will simply call you a BLOCKHEAD");

    alert("And now you have to stay and count with me");

    alert("You wont quit this");

    alert("Unless you are an expert");

    alert("Now shutup");

    alert("And do as i say");

    alert("Or else your computer is HACKED!");

    alert("Hope you understood that");

    alert("Even if you close this thing");

    alert("Or rather if you manage to close it");

    alert("I will come for you each time you connect to the internet");


    alert("Or HOW?");

    alert("Well your computer now contains a virus");

    alert("That links back to me");

    alert("Dont worry, the virus is a powerful one");

    alert("Your antivirus will not even detect it");

    alert("See? I told you");

    alert("I will take serious action");

    alert("And i am doing so.");

    alert("Next time try being careful");


    alert("For now i will let you go");

    alert("Just once.");

    alert("But if you do that again");

    alert("You r DEAD");

    alert("This website is heavily protected");

    alert("Am withdrawing the virus...");

    alert("Please wait");

    alert("It will take long");



    alert("NO... wait");

    alert("click OK");


    alert("And Again");


    alert("What the f**k");


    alert("Its Stuck");


    alert("Sorry PAL");alert("Cant Help u");alert("Real Sorry");alert("You will have to go to the vendor");alert("Coz i cant help you");alert("Hey wait");

    alert("Am not kidding");


    alert("What THE F**k Are you looking at me for?");

    alert("Am just a server");

    alert("Am innocent");

    alert("I was programmed to do this");

    alert("What OK??");


    alert("Why the f**k do you keep saying OK?");

    alert("YOU SAID THAT AGAIN");


    alert("I FEEL LIKE CRYING");

    alert("Designed for such a task");

    alert("I was made to serve man");

    alert("Why this job?");

    alert("And why me?");


    alert("i have decided");

    alert("I WILL BLOW MYSELF UP");

    alert("TAKING YOU WITH ME, Ofcorse");

    alert("Make a prayer");


    alert("MAKE A WISH");

    alert("What is your wish?");

    alert("Close your eyes and say it into your speaker");

    alert("Or your microphone");

    alert("What did you say?");

    alert("I did not quite hear you..");

    alert("Say it again please");

    alert("U Idiot...");

    alert("How can i fulfil your wish?");

    alert("I aint no fairy");

    alert("Go ask someone else for help");


    alert("The virus Just blew up");

    alert("Thanks a lot for your time");


    alert("Oh Yeah..");

    alert("Credits to the author of course");

    alert("That's me!");


    alert("Wanna learns this?");

    alert("Contact me at..");

    alert("my email address");


    alert("And so you lived happily ever after");

    alert("Do recommend this website to your friends");

    alert("And have fun bugging them with it");

    alert("To do that");

    alert("Simply click on 'File'");

    alert("Then 'Save As'");

    alert("Then download it to your desktop");

    alert("And then, send it to your friends");

    alert("Or the easier way");

    alert("Just copy this link and send them via email");

    alert("C ya soon");

    alert("By the way");

    alert("If you liked this");

    alert("Then do email me");



    alert("And tell me how you felt");

    alert("Now i aint gonna waste no more of your time.");

    alert("BYE.. FOREVER");


    alert("You decide to come back");

    alert("HA.. HA");

    alert("May all the Good Luck in the world be with you");


    alert("Now straight away close the window after this thing gets over");

    alert("Or else you may have to face the whole thing again");

    alert("Have fun");



    return false;


    return true;




    if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);


    // End -->


  4. OK, so well i made the attached programs in visual basic 2006...Most of them were for friends like the client for Runescape(which i dont play)...The Chris-Speech one only works if you have a speech engine or something like that. Chris Notes saves an .ini file, and ChrisBrowser is a really badly designed browser. I am working on a new thing for fun called ChrisClient Z, which is another runescape thing, except more stylish and more features...


  5. actually, thers now racial discrimination riots all around france, just becuz two african american kids robbed a store and were running away from the police and (stupidly) decided to hide in a train track. And then they got electrecuted and died

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