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Everything posted by AcidBakeD

  1. oh i mean like how to edit flash pics and insert links in it
  2. lol i didnt mean to offend you mate. ohh now i know.
  3. i trust Wikipedia it has alot of info about alot of stuff its not like if the site is falling apart.
  4. im sorry sir but i dont believe its spam but ok .
  5. If there's really GOD, where is Him when we pray for Him? Why should He hide? Let's be rational, we human only live once, don't obsess yourself in something that doesn't have real proof. *Again, no offense on any religion, just piece of comment yea i know what you mean but u have to consider hes in our mind everyday and every second he can be seen because hes a not a thing cant be touched smelled or even hear the only way to reach him is through feeling you don't see him you feel him for EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE:1 Time time is always on our min cant be see touched or smelled but you know its there and it can be felt through life and nature if you say god isnt real then you are saying that feelings aren't real so then u are not good person can the only thing or person or idk that has no feeling is death/satan/lucifer/demon/u? think about everything be neutral don't go left go right =]
  6. Owned! are ghost even real i think ..actually i don't know what to think about ghost . someone bring some facts about ghost? and pwn some more knowledge in our brains!
  7. Hi there i think everyone should be concerned about their heal status in the min and outside in space. I have been sitting here replying to things that i think are important and trippy drinking a soda for the las 40 mins (SERIOUSLY) and my 8FL OZ, can of soda has been creaking and cracking, how much gas is in this can dayummmmmm i cant even hit the g note with my vocals for that long i would like to start a thread with link of all foods and FFRS because i don't know what i eat out there in the system. hmm im not very creative sorry.
  8. you can see anywere in the universe and zoom in! go here its kool. here<---------------------------------------
  9. its not a planet i bet, i bet its that thing that's bringing dark matter toward the earth or something i heard that there is something coming toward us with something aboard it i'm scared lol
  10. wow this is what i think is pretty crazy scientist can connect a computer to a brain in a big cup and send pictures and environments to the mind and make them live a real/fake life not knowing it wao huh!
  11. tecnology sucks balls it better get better but u know what they say it gets worse before it gets better =[=]
  12. i say don't think about it and like nick said just be happy to live and have other living things live with you while you live and live with what you have and try to accomplish thing that are hard to do think about everything make life exiting just think think think but about happy things and then there are moments to think about the dark side but that just get you down. like some say our life now is just purgatory just wait and see.
  13. What does everyone think about psychedelic drugs no.. hmm marijuana/or gods plants like magical mushrooms or peyote, or the [LSD] is there a such thing as finding the way to be divine through the mind and the path through psychedelic drugs. sorry if it makes no sence but im young but i know a bit about what really matter not about the.........nvm lawl
  14. if it was the big bang how the f@ck did life survive?
  15. haha look at the people who are in that forum they all have some kind of disturbing name like emo:something or Tobi_teh_Emo damm that forum should be hacked ey?
  16. hahah damm what do we do in the last minutes of our lives? make a poll
  17. me too man im from ELA.
  18. Hey there i was wondering how do i edit templates like templates from template monster.com?or any
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