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  1. Thank you so much! I just have forgotten to set a password for the new user of my database as same as the configuration.php file. Many thanks for the support.
  2. My username: aikikai Website: http://iran-aikido.ir/joomla/index.php/en/ Where as I installed joomla. I'm editing configuration.php file in joomla dir, to get back my website online. Am I missing anything?!
  3. Thank you for the reply. I did what you said. But the error still remains.
  4. Hello, I did everything to resolve the error "Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL." based on this link. Also I changed 'locahhost' to and even deleted and imported my database again. But after all of my efforts, the error still remains. my username on heliohost: aikikai Any help would be appreciated, Thank you.
  5. Hello, My databases are not accessible on stevie server. Please restore them to me. username: aikikai database names: aikikai_database1 aikikai_joomla Thanks in advance!
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