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Everything posted by pete20r2

  1. Username: basko I'm not sure what my primary domain was, either uwam.team or baskovich.com I'm also not sur which server I was on. Thanks Peter
  2. Okey dokey, Thanks mate
  3. I'm not running any business or bulk emails, only personal accounts.
  4. Ok, thanks. I'll let the users know. Is there a way to limit traffic per user from my side to avoid suspension?
  5. You sent too many emails. Don't know what I did to deserve the attitude. Could have saved yourself the time of writing that. 50 emails in and out in a day is not normal traffic for my account, so either something has gone wrong or I'm compromised. If anyone would like to be helpful that would be appreciated.
  6. Is there a way to get exim logs to figure out what happened? Also curious about the wording, is it unlimited (hypothetically) number of emails to the same 50 recipients per day? Not that I'm looking to game the system, just trying to figure out what triggered the suspension. -Peter
  7. Hello, I was suspended, I'd like to be unsuspended and find out why/ how I can avoid future suspensions. username: basko domain: baskovich.com -Peter
  8. Hi, I'd like to request java/tomcat access for my account. I'm on ricky (I think java is allowed here) Account name: basko Domain: baskovich.com Thanks Peter
  9. sudo apt-get update # Fetches the list of available updatessudo apt-get upgrade # Strictly upgrades the current packagessudo apt-get dist-upgrade # Installs updates (new ones) https://askubuntu.com/questions/733434/one-single-command-to-update-everything-in-ubuntu/733439 You need to take a step back and figure out what you're doing. If you're going through the trouble of setting up DMARC I'd also set up DKIM. All 3 (SPF,DKIM and DMARC) rely on DNS records, so if you don't have a local DNS then you aren't going to be able to do much. You can setup a local NS through Vesta: https://vestacp.com/docs/#how-to-setup-vanity-nameservers You will then need to go to your domain registrar and point it at your domain name servers where you can then set all your own SPF, DKIM and DMARC records. Or You can use your registrars name servers if they let you specify your own TXT entries and do it all there. The entry would look something like this, I just generated it using a free DMARC generator: Type: TXT Host/Name: _DMARC.stockdiv.com Value: v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:postmaster@stockdiv.com; ruf=mailto:postmaster@stockdiv.com; sp=quarantine; fo=1; adkim=s; aspf=s OR Ask nicely for the required entries to be made on the Helio nameservers (SPF seems to already be done this way) OR Use cloudflare as a nameserver, if your registrar doesn't allow TXT entries.
  10. OK, nearly there. https://www.mail-tester.com/test-lo1sg 10/10 with some notes on List-Unsubscribe header, which I'll ignore since I'm not doing any mass emailing. I've got my IP removed from dnsbl.spfbl.net blacklist. The only relevant issues I can see reported on https://dnschecker.org/domain-health-checker.php for baskovich.com are: No TLS support. Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner.SOA Serial Number Format is Invalid. Is there anything I can do about these? Also, would I be right in assuming that the email header (in incoming and outgoing) should no longer make mention of ricky.heliohost.org? Thanks for the help so far.
  11. Hi Krydos, Here is the mail-tester link: https://www.mail-tester.com/test-2vwb5 I've tried a few different settings, I've added ricky's ip as well as my own to the spf but I think the mail is still originating from the wrong IP. Thanks again
  12. Hi, thanks for that. Website works fine but emails seem to have deliverability issues. Mxtoolbox reports authentication errors with dmarc, although the dkim and spf records are correct. Is this the issue of emails still being delivered from ricky? I'm having a bit of trouble diagnosing where the actual issue is. Gmail accepts incoming mail but I think that might be becuase I trained it on my last attempt.
  13. Ok, I went ahead and did it. Paypal trans: 4PS255026J284072D Account: basko Domain: baskovich.com I'd appreciate the dns setup including the PTR since that's why I'm doing this. Thanks
  14. As an extension to my previous question (old account, should be deleted now), why doesn't ricky.heliohost.org have a PTR record? Also, I've checked exactly why my mail was being rejected and it looks like the IP is reported on SORBS. I think I can get away with no rDNS with most mail servers since SPF DKIM and DMARC are all working. Do admins here make an effort to de-list helio IPs or is it a Sisyphean activity, is de-listing something I can do myself?
  15. Once you have sorted your major issue out I would strongly consider doing this. 4.91 has a known exploit, hence the push to update. https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-10149 Cpanel also made a post: https://blog.cpanel.com/exim-cve-2019-10149-protect-yourself/?utm_source=cpanel_forums&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=exim-cve-2019-10149 Also try the following, I already put the ID from the email that failed in post #11 in there, might shed some more light on why the email failed. grep 1haCN9-000TIg-Ea /var/log/exim_mainlog
  16. I think I accidentally posted in the wrong subforum...
  17. Hi, I went inactive and my account was archived. I think the account may be called uwalcs. Thanks
  18. Hello, I was suspended because of who I am as a person, I forgot to log in. Username: pablothelittleredfox Server: Johhny (I think, not 100% sure) Domain: uwalcs.tk Thanks -P
  19. Looks good, thanks. The last issue I have is the MySQLdb module is missing, would it be possible to get that installed?
  20. ID is 5PF0226176836620X Thank Boss
  21. Hi, I'd love to move if possible, I made a donation hoping for an invite but so far no luck. What is involved, should I backup my files and sql databases? Also, what is the correct shebang in advance for python 2.7 on Tommy? Thanks -Peter
  22. Hey guys, I'm setting up a python script that will run on a cron job (twice a day, no more no less . I used to be on stevie but I neglected the account and lost it, now I am on the problem child that is johnny. The script was written for python2.7, as far as I can tell the server only has 2.6.6 and 3.6 installed. Would it be possible to get the classic 2.7 installed? While I'm here, could I also ask that the following modules are installed: shutilostimedatetimemathurllib2arrayoperatorhttplibMySQLdbre Thanks for the great work! -P
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