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software advisor henry

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. ::arrgh:: my files last time i tried logging in the server was down and i totally forgot about it =.= any way of getting them back?
  2. Please renew account: pcknowledge.heliohost.org thank you!
  3. 你下载firefox,安装Pagespeed(http://code.google.com/speed/page-speed/)插件,可以看到那些地方可以优化,特别是"minify HTML" "minify CSS" 和 "Optimize images",(在每个部分下面均有详细解释,自己看)。 还有,优化那些mysql 资料库: 1. 在cpanel开phpmyadmin 2. 按一下在左边的database名称 3. 再按一下"check all" 4. 再按 "with selected" > "Optimize" 5. 为左边的每一个database重复 2-4 如果你使用一个CMS(内容管理系统),通常可把"examples","install","manual" 等等三个资料夹删掉。 如果可以的话,开启每个档案,把内面所有重复的whitespace(tab, space 和换行)改为单一whitespace。 通常一个写得好的CMS可以在5MB之内 (图片等多媒体档案及资料库容量不计算在内)。 [english]: install pagespeed from google; optimize your mysql databases; remove redundant files from CMS software; remove extra whitespace in files; and stating that well written CMSes are normally under 5MB. (excluding pictures and database)
  4. 回覆(复)"chinese"一樓(楼) English: @chinese#1 你幹嘛要這麼多容量? 你干嘛要这么多容量? English Translation: Why do you need so much storage space? 你用繁體還(还)是简体? English Translation: Are you using (able to read) Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese?
  5. my site was http://pcknowledge.heliohost.org/ my site got suspended (probably becoz of inactivity). could you please re-activate it? i was very busy these two months in my school projects so i didn't have the time to update my scripts the re-activation script seems broken, i can't login to cpanel, yet re-signing up says the username is taken. thanks cheers henry
  6. what happened to my site: pcknowledge.heliohost.org?? *gasp* I need to get my database back (at least) stevie.heliohost.org/cpanel doesn't work either
  7. hey can someone remove "budrikovs" from the member's list? He/she's been sending "gifts for all" pm to everyone and the link goes to a site selling vigra pills (canadian pharmacy??)
  8. another new server maybe?
  9. If ubuntu linux (GNOME) had buttons much smaller (without the enormous padding), had more green and blue and didn't require a graphics card and XGL to run Desktop Effects, I would have switched permanently. Windows XP has a hell lot of 3rd party apps that do this well and Windows Vista (which I don't use) can do it superb (although it sucks the f---ing life out of your computer while doing so) still using windows xp if windows 7 could have (1) much less processes; (2) UAC didn't prompt during removing shortcuts (I actually like it when it pops up and tells me that something is going into program files) and didn't prompt before I clicked apply in Control Panel; (3) Sidebar doesn't drink all the blood out of the CPU/RAM; (4) Start up in 20 seconds; (5) Restored the up button in Windows Explorer; (6) Remove so many explorer options; (7) No more 3-rd party tweaking manager required to change the simplest settings; (8) Disk Cleanup which doesn't scan for items I don't select; (9) Uses gzipped stripped XML configuration files such as for tagging pictures (and Notepad should support it and auto indent tags too); I'd switch to it immediately.
  10. Sorry I missed that Are you allowed to dig into cPanel's source code? if you are, you could consider - remove unnessesary whitespace ( ~5.5 KB ) for example: <a href="someurl" onclick=" dosth()" > - remove indentation and line breaks ( ~2 KB) - remove that 'nice' sliding animation of sidebar - move those css present in the html in to external file (so that it gets downloaded only once if the user visits the control panel home often) - remove drag-n-drop - remove top banner backgrounds and icons better to provide a theme with all these changes seperatly I can help in removing markup if you want.
  11. why not dig into the apache httpd source code and get it to read a bunch of .htaccess files located in some secure folder every um 4 hours? (Instead of reloading the whole http.conf file.) There are also a large bunch of inactive users in the forum too.
  12. What about paid bandwidth + space?
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