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Posts posted by Lazysheepherd

  1. Ahh, I can reach it now, thank you!


    But, there's still a problem. I do not use any application to send e-mails.


    I'm a web developer and I'm trying many php scripts there, idk if there an e-mail sender.

    I'll remove all unused files from there. And I'll notify if I encounter with such file.

    And also can you help me if you can see the source of e-mail spammer/code/program?


    I want to clean it cause I don't want to get suspended again.


    Hmm.. That survey page does not loads. I'll keep trying though.

    PS: I did the survey and cleaned the useless experimental stuff. HAVEN'T encounter with a e-mail sender related stuff though.





  2. IK that. But;





    We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error.






    I was regularly visiting my "phpMy admin" panel not my Cpanel I think that made it happen. I have never visited Cpanel for months.

    But I was using my account; uploading files and accessing them and stuff.


    I do not know what to do. :(



    Also, now I urgently and desperately need an account! Much sooner, much better.

    So I've been trying every way.


    Now, what could be done about this situation?


    Any help will extremely appreciated!






  3. I've been trying to signup on Stevie for hours but I keep receiving this error;



    We're sorry, but an error was encountered during signup. Please try again later.


    Is signup currently blocked or is Db down? And when it could solved?






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