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Everything posted by Diggsey

  1. But his bottom still
  2. but stronger than cotton-wool
  3. No they don't... The browser only ever sees javascript, html and css. PHP, ASP and JSP are converted to HTML on the server. The browser displays the HTML. All server side scripting languages can produce identical HTML...
  4. How does that work?
  5. and another type which
  6. You don't need an antiproton for beta decay, you need an antiproton to produce antimatter. (Antimatter = positrons + antiprotons + neutrons)
  7. I don't see what PHP and JSP and ASP have to do with browsers though... The browser NEVER sees any of them!
  8. For once, JcX, it seems I agree with you
  9. I was referring to how Christianity (and a few other religions) believe that the world is only a few thousand years old.
  10. Yes, but whether the learn 8 or 9, they will still learn what pluto actually is, and that's what matters.
  11. Exactly For every positron, you need an antiproton too. Which is produced by the method I said before!
  12. his favourite toilet paper
  13. There are literally hundreds of fossilised eggs left behind from the dinosaurs, from all the ones that didn't hatch for whatever reason.
  14. Well unless you believe that carbon dating, and other methods such as measuring the composition of ice are all completely wrong, I don't see how religion could be right...
  15. I don't see why it matters anyway, lol. Whatever you call it, it's still the same actual thing!
  16. Um... Thanks
  17. while on the moon
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