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Posts posted by das7002

  1. I can't find your account in the database. You are installing duplicate accounts, or somebody with your IP already has a HelioHost account.


    I only signed up once and nothing and that was a while ago I found a host and already have my site up and everything they also offer TLD registration and the best part they only want a small ad on your site and no forums nothing they also fix your problems really fast they are ismywebsite.com so djbob go ahead delete my account you looked like a good host and turned out not to be :angry:


  2. Okay must have been my browser I had a DNS error when I signed up and it told me I needed to resend the information and then it went through so I will try again


    ok I signed up again no DNS error this time below is a copy of the email


    "Time Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:07 AM

    Dear *****,

    Your hosting account at HelioHost has been installed. Here is your account information:

    Username: ******

    Password: ******

    Domain: thewebrevolution.heliohost.org

    Control Panel URL: http://thewebrevolution.heliohost.org/cpanel


    Please note that you may have to wait for account validation before your account becomes active. If this is so, you will see a suspended message on your domain until validation.



    HelioHost Staff"


    I will wait 24hrs this time to make sure it comes up fine.

  3. I applied here http://heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php received the e-mail (show below)


    ""subject Hosting Account Installed!



    Dear *******,

    Your hosting account at HelioHost has been installed. Here is your account information:

    Username: **********

    Password: **********

    Domain: thewebrevolution.heliohost.org

    Control Panel URL: http://thewebrevolution.heliohost.org/cpanel


    Please note that you may have to wait for account validation before your account becomes active. If this is so, you will see a suspended message on your domain until validation.



    HelioHost Staff""


    Yet 8 Hours later it is still not online and Yes My Internet is fine also yes I have used multiple browsers and yes it is not pingable what give I want to switch to this since x10hosting really sucks (I mean come on if you can not keep Apache running for more than 15 minutes your server sucks!!!!) and want to know if I did something wrong or it just takes forever to get your site up

  4. Hmm very interesting question here lets interview einstien as he watched himself


    Albert Einstein:Well I would have to say the chicken and the egg had to come at the same time

    me: Well how is that possible

    ae:it just is.

    me:but that does not make sense

    ae:well here is how it happened on that dreaful day

    me:ok go ahed then

    ae:The chicken was just there running in circles for hours and hours and some more hours (Hey I really need some more pot over here I am kinda runnin' low) the chicken fell over so I went to go check on it and it looked dead a piece of paper fell of my desk and it said e=mc2 and it landed on the chicken the chicken the turned into and egg the egg hatched and it says e=mc2 all over the bird i though that was odd finally a few days later it got run over by a semi and created the worlds first nuclear explosion




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