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  1. Trojans * The name "Trojan Horse" derives itself from a page in Greek history. * A Trojan horse is simply a computer program. The program claims to do one thing (it may claim to be a game) but instead does damage when you run it (it may erase your hard disk). * Trojan horses have no way to replicate automatically. * Examples:- Picture.exe,RIDBO,FIX2001,AOL4FREE * These types of viruses were originally designed as a means of self expression by gifted programmers and did little more than to cause the system to lock up, behave abnormally in a specific way or perhaps cause loss of data on the user?s machine. * Virtually every Trojan virus is comprised of two main parts: o the "server" + The server part is the part of the program that infects a victim's computer. o the "client? + The client part is the one that allows a hacker to manipulate data on the infected machine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How does a Trojan Affect Your Computer? * In order to gain access to a users computer, the victim has to be induced to install the Trojan himself. * The usual method is to offer a seemingly useful system enhancement or perhaps a free game that has the Trojan attached to it. * By installing it,the user also installs the Trojan. * Trojan Horse acts as a means of entering the victim?s computer undetected and then allowing a remote user unrestricted access to any data stored on the user's hard disk drive whenever he or she goes online. * In this way, the user gets burned and like the unfortunate citizens of Troy, may only discover that fact when it is too late. * Intruders scan the Internet for an infected user(technically speaking, an attacker sends request packets to all users of a specific Internet provider) using the client part of the virus. * Once an infected computer has been found (the server part of the virus that is located on infected machine replies to client part's request). * The attacker connects to that user's computer and creates a "link" between the two just like the one in an ordinary telephone conversation. * Once that has happened (this procedure may only take a few seconds), the intruder will be able to get unrestricted access to the user's computer and can do anything he likes with it. * The intruder becomes the master and the user the slave before disconnecting from the Internet, the user is helpless and has no means at his disposal to ward off an attack. * Intruders can monitor, administer and perform any action on your machine just as if they were sitting right in front of it. * There are no visible outward signs that anything untoward is happening other than perhaps unusual hard disk activity for no apparent reason. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ways Of Infection * E-Mail Attachments * Web Pages * Open Network Shares (Peer to Peer Networking) * Internet Relay Chat & Instant Messaging * Floppy Disks * MS Office Document Macros * Macromedia Flash Documents * And, new ways are appearing all the time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Signs Of Infection * Sluggish network performance * Buggy operating system function * Processor always at 100% * Unusual system error messages * Mysterious/unknown/hidden files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steps To Avoid Infection * Be paranoid. o According to Murphy's law--"If anything can go wrong, it will? In computing, this is not as far from the truth as you might hope. o Make sure you have an up to date anti-virus package installed on your computer. * Do not open unexpected attachments. o Increasingly, viruses are sent as attachments to e-mails. This is a particularly insidious method of transmission because often people will open attachments that have been sent by acquaintances, co-workers, or friends, only to find that the attachment is in fact a virus. * Install patches for the software you use in a timely manner. o There are viruses that exploit 'holes' or vulnerabilities in operating systems and applications. Anti-virus programs are generally able to protect you from this kind of 'malware' even if you have not installed the appropriate patch for that vulnerability. * Always scan floppy disks and CDs for viruses before using them. o Despite the fact that approximately 85% of all registered cases of computer infection are transmitted through e-mail, we should not ignore the traditional transport for malware: the mobile media (diskettes, compact disks, etc.). o Users should always check these external media for viruses before using it on their computers. It is a simple, straightforward procedure to scan a disk with an anti-virus program. It takes just a few seconds, and can save hours of aggravation. * Be careful with software, even from a credible source. o It is not just pirated software that may be infectious. Sometimes even licensed CDs with software from well-established, credible vendors may contain viruses. Also, software downloaded from the Internet may carry a virus. * Another source of infection may be a computer that has been taken in for maintenance that may be returned to its owner with a hard drive that is infected with a virus. * Create a virus-free start-up disk for your computer and keep it in a safe place. * Sometimes an infected computer cannot be started. This does not mean that a virus has deleted data from your hard drive; it only means that your operating system cannot be loaded any more. * To solve this problem, you should use a virus-free start-up diskette containing an anti-virus program that has been developed for your operating system. This diskette will help you to start your computer and delete any viruses in your operating system. * Back up your files regularly. o Although this rule will not protect against virus infection, it will allow you to protect your valuable data in case your computer becomes infected (or, as an added bonus, if you have any other problems with your hardware). o It is advisable to back up your most valuable data using external media, such as diskettes, magnetic tapes, CDs, etc. In this case, whatever might happen, you will always be prepared. * Make file extensions visible. o It is safe to run non-executable file content, such as JPGs, MPGs, GIFs, WAVs, etc. You just need to make sure they aren't executables in disguise. o Most Windows versions will hide known file extensions. Thus, a seemingly harmless file, PICTURE.JPG, may be PICTURE.JPG.EXE. In Windows Explorer, look for the file extension hiding option under Folder Options. * Don't share your hard drive (disable file sharing on your hard drive). o If you do need to provide some file and print sharing, don't give the keys to the kingdom; use a password, and ONLY give the minimum that you have to a directory (folder) is much better than giving all of the C:\, read only is better than full access. If you have to give a C:\ administrative share, limit the number of people who can use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steps To Remove A Virus * DON?T PANIC. * Don?t do anything drastic without checking with knowledgeable support staff. * Contact your computer support staff. * Gather as much information as you can about the virus. Search anti-virus sites for info about the virus you are seeking, or the suspicious activity you are seeing. * Follow the directions for disinfecting your computer that you find from reputable sources. * If you need to replace files, recover them from an uninfected source. * The original software media is a good source. * Once removed, verify that it is truly gone by first verifying that your anti-virus software is working and is up to date. Then run a manual scan of your whole system. If it reports back as clean, the end of tunnel is near. * Finally, follow the recommendations from the prevention section above to help prevent this from occurring in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: * All the information provided above is for educational and awareness purposes only. * Any misuse of the above information is not the responsibility of the author or of TechEnclave. * Though the article is free and open to copy, it is requested that you link back to the article or atleast have a link back to the site ( http://www.helionet.org ) in references or as the primary source. Along with the link, it is also requested that you write the name of the author ie is me "MAX". ===================================================== 4 those few who think my sharing of knowledge to be SPAM I won't post such things any more if any one reading this thread says it to br SPAM and USELESS Plz do post if u think its SPAM or usefull
  2. The attached picture says it all Whats the problem???
  3. nice find BUT it says button should not be STOLEN
  4. IPB has 2.1.1 as their latest build don't know about 2.0.1 BUT IPB has stopped serving as a free forum after version 1.3.1
  5. proxy isn't 4 bad ppls only!! One can use it to get saved from hackers on high speed LAN Or one can use it to fool few download hosts like RapidShare or megaupload Proxies are of gr8 use Many won't agree to this, BUT its just my opinion BTW i dont use proxies b'coz the High speed Internet2 (2nd version of conventional internet) AT&T has given in the institute (where I am a student) changes the IP each second. The good thing about this institute is Internet is available in all hostel Rooms :yay:
  6. i never knew about movie oprator Gr8 addition nilayz
  7. pierce is very Old to be nxt James Bond; Select some one else There are Kneau reeves, Van Diesel, Orlando Bloom, Brad Pitt, Then why only brosnan???
  8. Intel original mobo's prohibit Overclocking of processors If u change your mobo to Abit or Asus nilayz; u can OC your processor comfortably to 3.2Ghz
  9. What do u mean by less??? It consumes much less; the ideal temp of a P4 3.4Ghz is 45C but of 2Ghz Pentium M is 21C
  10. nilayz is right ; it wasn't meant to play games
  11. gr8 find !! post more if u ppl get it
  12. Try FileZilla; its a multithreaded FTP software covered under GNU/GPL licence; ie its a Freeware and very powerful
  13. its neither gonna play with your password or gonna do a spyware stuff It just adds a small piece of code that allows you to run multiple instances of Y! messemger; that's it And as u know Cracks and patches are illegeal untill the software is having GNU/GPL licence
  14. Worms * Worms are not virii. * The name 'worm' was taken from The Shockwave Rider, a 1970s science fiction novel by John Brunner. * They are self replicating pieces of code that by natures should contain no payload (although this is not *always* the case). * The most famous worm of all time was the Robert Morris Jnr worm that exploited a buffer overflow in the UNIX Sendmail program. Due to which the speed of which worms create new instances of themselves if they stayed on a single host they would soon eat up all the resources, so they spread from computer to computer, network to network (unlike a virus which needs some sort of human intervention in order to spread). * Because they can move so fast they often cause havoc, not due to malicious nature, but due to overload of mail server etc etc * Most worms you will find written today are written in VBS (Visual Basic Script) and spread though Outlook. Recent high profile worms include LoveLetter and Life_Stages.
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