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Everything posted by modus

  1. Hello, someone made a deface on my site and deleted all the wordpress files and database content. There is my address: infermieristica.heliohost.org/ account: infermie server: stevie Pelase, is there a way to retrieve the data? Thank you in advance
  2. a. HelioHost username: infermie b. the server: Stevie c. HelioHost main domain: infermieristica.heliohost.org I did not find any malware in the file that you've specified. In any case, I'll erase whole folder containing those files, since they do not form an integral part of my site. Thank you in advance.
  3. a. HelioHost username: infermie b. the server: Stevie c. HelioHost main domain: infermieristica.heliohost.org Please, can you help me?
  4. a. HelioHost username: infermie b. the server: Stevie c. HelioHost main domain: infermieristica.heliohost.org
  5. I've regitered it a few months ago...
  6. Hello, can you help about my account? a. your HelioHost : makingmu b. server : Johnny c. your HelioHost main domain : makingmusic.heliohost.org Thanks in advance EDIT: The account has been deleted.
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