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  1. Not quite sure what Ice IT Support is saying, but it looks like you are missing apostrophes in ['username'].
  2. lol. I'm coming with you! The girls ain't the prettiest here either. xD
  3. Username: Menachem Server: Johnny Domain: Monkeyisland.heliohost.org Thanks! Can you tell me what may have caused my suspension? Thanks!
  4. As I mentioned, I added a % to the remote mysql. I assume this adds every ip address. I am new to remote mysql. If % doesn't add every ip address, then do i need to add only my ip?
  5. Hello. I have tried connecting to the mysql database externally. I have added a % to the remote mysql. This is the information I am using. <Driver>org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver</Driver> <ConnectionString>jdbc:mysql://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/menachem_game</ConnectionString> <UserName>menachem_game</UserName> <Password>xxxxxxx</Password> <TestSQL><![CDATA[sELECT username(*) FROM users]]></TestSQL> This doesn't seem to work when the TestSQL runs. I have tried using localhost and port 3306. The other information is correct. My database and username are the same name. What am I doing wrong? Are the host name and port correct? Thanks!
  6. Hello. I tried uploading files to my website but when I click on them, they either show the code or give me a blank screen. I used the files on a different website and they worked great. How am I supposed to upload files? Can I get like a step-by-step guide on what to do to upload and where to upload? I am trying to upload flash, html, and php. Also, where can I find the information for the host name and port? Thanks in advance! EDIT: Nevermind, I got the answer from Krydos. Thanks!
  7. I am sorry for being so annoying but can an admin or something please check whats wrong. I just keep getting told that I need to clear my cache. I tried that. Still doesn't work. Can someone please suggest something else? And I am using a heliohost.org account. My username is menachem. Thank you! BTW please don't change this topic to [sOLVED] if you are just gonna suggest to clear my cache. Sorry if I sound angry. EDIT: Thanks for any administrator who tried helping me previously, or just looked at the question and couldn't find an answer. I guess I had to wait a while for it to come up. My site works now. Thanks for helping me!
  8. I changed my website back to a heliohost.org so its not a co.cc anymore. What am I doing wrong now?
  9. Hello. Thank you but I just changed my domain back to a heliohost website because i didnt feel like changing the dns servers. It shows in my cPanel as the heliohost.org site but it still doesnt work. Do i need to wait 48 hours for it to change or is it changed? Thanks and sorry for any confusions
  10. Hello. I am a new member of HelioHost. As soon as I heard that you have FREE Remote MySQL I came here. Thats not the problem I have. I have made an account with Johnny about 2 days ago. I was first in line. It said it should be ready by Wednesday. Its already Thursday and I don't think it should've taken more than 24 hours since I was first in line. Can someone please check this out to see when my site may be ready? Thank you so much in advance! (Sorry if its not in the write category, this is like my first time using a forum). Oh and I almost forgot. My username is menachem, since thats probably important information. Sorry for long post. :S EDIT: Someone edited my title as [sOLVED], yet I haven't solved this problem yet. Can someone please help me? My website doesn't work and no, its not a co.cc anymore. I changed it back to heliohost.org. Thank you!
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