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Everything posted by Power

  1. Well, seems like there's more good replies about the skin than bad. I guess I did my job.
  2. I can't believe that my school doesn't offer a Japanese class...
  3. Man... I've been living off my modem for 2 - 2.5 years and still can't afford high speed... I think I fried 3 of them too, lol. I prefer BroadBand but still don't have it.
  4. Try Videora iPod Converter, it's pretty good.
  5. Look at all these nerds... lol... just kidding. I wish I know that much myself. As for my favorite... Since I'm in the process of learning PHP, so Javascript is my top right now.
  6. I'm bored and can't work on my site so I'm posting all the sketches/2D/3D/ arts I did some time ago. -Sketches- - Did this a LONG time ago, didn't finish it, wont even bother to finish it now... ---- Enchanted Kingdom: http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/5074/ench...dkingdom3cy.jpg - Buster Sword from Final Fantasy Advent Children, close enough. About a week to complete ---- Buster Sword: http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/1343/bustersword9ej.jpg - Mushroom House. I drew this for coloring practice for Photoshop. ---- Mushroom House Pencil: http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/4149/mu...sepencil4st.jpg - Twilight of Atlantis. This used to look good to me, now I think I look at it too much already. ---- Twilight of Atlantis Pencil: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/3847/tw...ispencil9rk.jpg -2D- - First wallpaper I made, not too good, but oh well... ---- Pheonix Light: http://img476.imageshack.us/img476/231/pheonixlight8zs.jpg - Image minipulation from a Halo Wallpaper I found. ---- Dead Aim: http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/7729/deadaim9xk.jpg - Inked version of the Mushroom House. ---- Mushroom House Ink: http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/5086/mu...houseink2sf.jpg - Colored version of the Mushroom House. ---- Mushroom House Color: http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/7069/mu...usecolor9bv.jpg - Inked version of Twilight of Atlantis. ---- Twilight of Atlantis Ink: http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/5770/twil...antisink8ve.jpg - Colored version of Twilight of Atlantis. ---- Twilight of Atlantis Color: http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/9263/wallpaper45hj.jpg -3D- - Bomboms, at least it's what I think they're called. ---- Bomboms: http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/6098/bom0002vs.jpg - Metallic Orbs, a better version of the one I posted earlier? I think it's a bit better. ---- Orbs: http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/8386/or...paper0002up.jpg - Marvin, the robot from Hitch Hiker's Guide To the Galaxy. Don't know how to make the body, lol... ---- Marvin: http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/2452/marvin0002hj.jpg Hope you all enjoyed my gallery...
  7. $50.00 So who think I've been tricked?
  8. Thanks.
  9. I did the skin and yes I did it for money.
  10. I'm Vietnamese. 但是我會中文, 也不是會很多. Took me a while to type that too...
  11. Power

    Skin in Development

    Actually I rather think of this as a more improved and better version of the KL skin. No offense Lappy If you take it as an offense...
  12. Power

    Skin in Development

    Just uploaded a buncha new buttons.
  13. Power

    Skin in Development

    Just doing my job. Try the quick edit ppl, look at the pretty sparkly lights.
  14. Hey ppl this is my first post here at HN. I've been hanging out at KL for a while and I guess I'll check this place out. Anyway, this image was created in Bryce 5. It's just some orbs with metal characteristic. My latest project, smooth and simple.
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