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Doctor Steel

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Everything posted by Doctor Steel

  1. Actually, wizard, one COULD argue that Sungazer has the hat right now. How about this: Both of you invent a hat-passing story, and then we'll all vote on who has the hat based upon their story.
  2. At the moment, Wizard indeed *does* have the hat.
  3. YAMP - Yet Another (Multi)Media Player Now for my turn... PAMP ...Should we agree on no acronyms? YAMP - Yet Another (Multi)Media Player Now for my turn... PAMP ...Should we agree on no acronyms?
  4. Wow, I let this topic ruminate for a week and it's already taking off... I grab the hat from wizard, blend it into a smoothie, invite all of you to a party, and serve you all the smoothie. Cheers! (also, bump.) EDIT: Coolest bug ever! If you hit submit more than once, you get the post repeated like two or three times in the same post. Now, to plug this into Greasemonkey...
  5. ehm... I think i see what you did, but why did you have all the ones? And why did you make it an absolute value? AND why the double parenthesis? I think this would've worked, eh? |-1*2(3^5)| But, since we're in an absolute value, let's cut out the middleman. 1*2(3^5). Simplified even further: 2(3^5). We get 486, an old type of CPU. By jove, we've uncovered it! This was a contest by Intel to discover what they made a long time ago! . . . just kidding, no offense - i hope we can figure out the jedi-ness equation to this
  6. Dude, if you think that's funny, Click Here. There are literally OODLES of stories like this... I found it years ago, and thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
  7. 1234 Yay! Sequential number!
  8. LARS ulrich (well, what else can you get from LARA? LARD? LARP?)
  9. So i herd you liek docters?
  10. [click]Lire![/click]
  11. ... you're kidding, right? Hillary and Barack are both Democrats, and McCain is the republican. Hil-dog pretty well dropped out last Saturday, leaving the race as Obama vs. McCain.
  12. Trippin, you have the hat again. Give it away before Wizard grabs it!
  13. Trippin has the hat.
  14. Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear. I'll elaborate. Each person who happens to have the hat makes up an elaborate exchange of the hat, like so: ---I have the hat. I give the hat to Wizard. Wizard gives the hat to JcX. Who has the hat? Then, say that I were to post next: ---Umm... JcX does? I would have the hat then. If you still don't get the rule, and you REALLY want to get it, Google "who has the hat". Please don't spoil the rule for those who don't get it and don't want it explained tho them. So, now, it would so happen that Wizard has the hat. Who does wizard give the hat to?
  15. I saw this on the now-defunct Sky Tower Games forums once. I have a hat. Specifically, a Red Fedora. I give the hat to a random member of the forums. Now it's your turn to post. Who has the hat?
  16. Ooh, a game of Mafia! It's been forever since I played. Wait, how do we have people "heads down" and the mafiosos kill people? IMs? I think we should do like Sky Tower Games did back in the glory days, and have "Who drinks teh water" puzzle contests.
  17. Southern Indiana. An hour northeast of Evansville.
  18. Colbert/Papa Bear Bill O'Reilly 2008! No, seriously, I'd vote for Obama. I wonder why Nader keeps trying to win. I think he KNOWS he can't possibly succeed, but he just wants to mix things up (Like he did in 2000. And again in 2004. And now, in 2008.) The People of Belgium for Obama!
  19. You DO know that website is a joke, right? Just like Scientology. And it's a way to sell books - just like Scientology. Unless, of course, the earth is actually rendered with a raycaster engine... (Be sure to watch the video all the way through the ending credits.)
  20. they believed that we couldnt fly yes, but they had no real concept of machinary. the wright bro's did get us in the air but using out side influence, machines. if we truly want to fly like a god it would be through our own will power with no outside influence, just our big 'ole brain. Ever heard of "deus ex machina (a god from the machine)"? I think that phrase was invented to describe just such an event (the Wright bro.s flying a hunk of canvas and the like)
  21. Meh, it really all depends on what colour you like best: Brown (GNOME), Blue (KDE), or Gray (XFCE). I like Xubuntu because it's low-memory-using and fast - a great idea if you have an old laptop. I use kosher Ubuntu because it was easiest to find, install, and use. (Plus, it's not KDE. ) EDIT: First on 2nd page!
  22. I voted for BASIC. Some of you may say that BASIC "is crippling to the mind" (I'm watching you, Djikstra), but I only picked BASIC because VB.NET wasn't up there, and C# is too much like java. VB FTW
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