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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. Thank you wostech. I really appreciate it!
  2. Hi there I had an account on Tommy that was inactive for quite a while and has been suspended. Username: aommaste Server: Tommy Domain: aommaste.heliohost.org (previously aommaster.com) Would it be possible to reactivate my account? I do not need the archived copy of my site. An empty account would be fine. Thanks
  3. Tried it again now, and it looks like it's working fine. Thanks so much for your help Byron!
  4. Hi Byron! Just tried it again, but I still seem to be receiving the suspended page on random pages of the site (these are not only on my blog, but on other static pages of my site). But they do appear randomly. I could try loading them a few times and then they'd load fine. Could this be a problem on my end? Perhaps manually suspending my site from your end and unsuspending it would fix the issue?
  5. Hi Byron! I tried it out (tried aommaster.com/blog) and I still got the suspended page randomly. I could refresh a few times and eventually it would load fine, but that was the issue I was having to start. Cleared my browser cache, and also tried Incognito mode (which, as I understand, doesn't use the regular cache) with no difference. Thanks again for looking into it!
  6. Hi! My account was suspended yesterday due to me not logging into CPanel. However, after re-activating the account, I was still being redirected to the suspended account page. Another user on this forum pointed out that I was using CloudFlare, which probably cached those pages. So, I stopped using it, and changed the nameservers back to the Heliohost name servers. It has been over 24 hours since I've made that change, however, randomly when I try to browse my website, I'll get redirected to the suspended page. This also happens to some image files. I have tried clearing my browser cache, flushing my DNS resolver cache, and even browsing in Incognito mode, just to make sure. Strangely enough, if I were to try and open a certain link, eventually I would be shown the page as it should be, but just as randomly, it would sometimes display the suspended page. Could this be a DNS propagation issue, or is there something that I have overlooked with my site configuration? Thanks!
  7. D'oh! I knew Cloudflare was going to trip me up at some point (already had a few "moments" with my blog). Thanks for the heads up!
  8. Hi! I believe my account may have been suspended because I wasn't able to log into CPanel. Could you please unsuspend my account? Account name: aommaste Server: Tommy domain: aommaster.com Additionally, could you please have a look at the renew script? I tried using it, got the confirmation that my account had been reactivated, but it appears that the account still remained suspended. Thank you! Edit: Strange... it looks like I am able to browse certain directories without any problems. However, when I visit other parts of my site, I get the account suspended message. Could you please have a look at that too? Thanks!
  9. Absolutely perfect! Thank you!
  10. Thank you very much for all your hard work Krydos, especially during the holiday season! The transaction ID is 43B72594617197458. Could you please re-send an invite to the email that was on the Stevie account? It is [edited it out by Aommaster]. Thanks!
  11. Hi there! I downloaded the backup that the staff had put up from the Stevie server and I'd like to start a new account on Tommy, using the same email I had registered on Stevie (and not the one I used to donate money). Is it possible to do this? My domain is aommaster.com (with username "aommaste"), which I believe will need to be released from Stevie. Could you please do that as well? Thanks!
  12. Also, following on from parcela's question, I have a Tommy invite, but I was not able to get a site backup collected before Stevie crashed. Is there any way of transferring my site between the servers in the current state (SQL databases included), or would I need to wait until Stevie comes back up to do so? Thanks!
  13. Fair enough. Glad to know the team hasn't given up on the server!
  14. Hello How does taking backups of the mySQL databases using FTP work? I'm using the FileZilla client and intend on copying everything in the root folder. Is there anything else I should do? Also, would it be possible to leave cPanel running so we can take full migratable site backups?
  15. Hello I believe this may be due to the Stevie SQL fix that was just implemented. I appear to have lost connections to my SQL databases. Details are as below: Heliohost username: aommaste Server: Stevie Database: aommaste_piwi843 and aommaste_wp336 Could connectivity to the databases please be restored? Thank you
  16. Works perfectly now! Thank you! P.S. Is there any reason the automatic script did not work when I tried to re-activate my account?
  17. Hi there My account was suspended due to inactivity. I tried using the link provided in the email to re-activate the account but I got the following error message: "We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error." My account details are as follows: Username: aommaste Server: Stevie Domain: http://www.aommaster.com Thank you very much!
  18. Hi Tjoene Thank you very much. Technically, it was my bad... I forgot the name's get truncated to the 8-character length limit. Thanks again for your time
  19. Thank you tjoene. My account was fine until earlier this morning. Could this have occurred due to inactivity? Also, when I try to create an account, it says that the username has already been selected, however, I cannot log into the account. Is this normal? Edit: And one last question... would it be possible to use the same username I used before this issue?
  20. Hello My account got suspended and I was hoping it could be unsuspended. My information as requested: Username: aommaster Server: Stevie (I think) Main domain: http://www.aommaster.com (is this what you require?) I think it was suspended because of inactivity (I hadn't accessed the cPanel in a while). Thanks!
  21. Hello I am a new user here after my previous web hosting provider went down. My site had a blog linked to an SQL database which I was able to backup and successfully restore here. I am having a bit of trouble getting my wordpress blog running. I get the following error message: "Error establishing a database connection" The page is programming.aommaster.com I did a bit of searching on these forums and the general solution was to ensure that the wordpress config file has the correct username, password and hostname. I have checked those fields and they all seem to be correct. The hostname I have set is 'localhost'. I was wondering if it is a problem with the SQL server (perhaps it is down?) or something I'm doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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