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Everything posted by jjpriest25

  1. Here's an idea, we should have a forum called something like "Chit Chat" that would contain games and other forum topics that don't deserve helions. As it is now, I do not believe you should get helions for posting in other discussion. Actually, I've tried to stop posting as much in other discussion because of the fact that I was playing "idiotic games" as Average Joe said. @wizard: I'm not sure I ever understood the who has the hat game...
  2. Acquire sounds really complex...like it would be a really good game for the computer where it does all the hard, monotonous money counting and stuff for you. I always got tired of being the banker in Monopoly and having to dish out money in the beginning and then practically every turn after that.
  3. Not sure why the name, but Stevie definitely suits it. If you see the picture you can just tell; it's a stevie. Couldn't find the camera...I think my mom took it somewhere and has it in her car or something. Anyway, the pins were on the mother board like you said. I've got a Q9450...almost got the Q6600 but went up to this... kinda beside the point; I can't get my new rig to turn on...
  4. Since Core 2 duo, huh... Well, that just shows I haven't messed with any new CPUs... Ironically, I've got an LGA775 Quad-core cpu on the way along with a motherboard, so if I can find the camera, I'll take some pics and upload them on here. I had no idea when I bought this new processor that it had the technology you were talking about, but I guess it probably does.
  5. which fluctuates between charmin
  6. I may PLANT some flowers this weekend (not)
  7. uno mil doscientos cinquenta y tres (1253) (Pardon any problems with the Spanish...haven't had class for a long time)
  8. only the finest sushi
  9. astronaut wearing blue jeans
  10. Huh, very well explained; I think I might understand a little more about this now--that theory makes quite a bit more sense now. So, I'm not really sure I understand the connection part of the cpu to the motherboard... now there's little holes in the bottom of the mother board for the cpu pins to go in--Are you saying that the pins are on the motherboard and there's a flat surface on the bottom of the cpu that can be indented where the pins get pushed up? I guess that's a pretty smart move by the manufaturer's though. I know that if I got a 300 dollar cpu and accidentally bent a few pins I'd put my honesty on the shelf and say it came that way It would be harder to say that if the pins weren't even on the cpu though. Is this technology just on certain types of cpus( I mean I know it must be)? Like a certain socket or something that I could Google and learn a little more about?
  11. his cousin's infected wart
  12. asked to use the
  13. I actually lied about the bee sting thing--never actually been stung by a bee...A wasp got me, though. I had to get that off my chest. click
  14. Well my internet isn't good. Probably the only way it could any worse would be not having internet...so single player was really what I was looking for..
  15. Honestly, I don't know much at all about anitmatter--barely even heard of it--but from following this topic, and continuing the discussion between djbob and jcx, it seems that the only way that this whole anitmatter thing would work would be if somehow the law of conservation of energy were proved false...Otherwise, by that law, there would be absolutely no point in trying to create antimatter because the energy used to create it would be all you could harvest...
  16. Well, although I've never seen them, I don't understand how that would really improve the situation. I would think that maybe there would be a slightly less chance of bending pens, but they might be harder to fix that way. But, like I said, I've never even seen them so my comment is completely just an opinion.
  17. yeah I remember the last time I had a bee sting... it STUNK
  18. His girlfriends dentist scared
  19. De ja vu! is that how you spell it? anyway, Bass, you put flint on the last page too.... cling
  20. and even painful gingivitis
  21. I'm trying to come up with some good games for a new rig I'm planning on getting. I've already settled on Crysis and probably Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Vegas as two of the games. I'm planning on getting 4 games so that leaves two more. Excluding Bioshock or COD4, do you guys have any suggestions?
  22. cruelty and inhumane torture
  23. my sister got a contact stuck in her eye. I hope she does not go BLIND
  24. watched by greedy little
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