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Posts posted by Ronaldvanbell

  1. Hi!

    After installing FrontPage extensions, and publishing a website, I've decided to remove those extensions.

    I've removed the extensions, but the website was still there, and I decided to remove its content manually.

    anyway, when I tried to install AGAIN those exensions, I got the error.


    Saving .htaccess file: /home/rimon/public_html/.htaccess

    Using Upgrade Mode

    Saving .htaccess file: /home/rimon/public_html/_private/.htaccess

    36333: running /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin/owsadm.exe -o install -t apache-fp -m rimon.heliohost.org -p 80 -xuser rimon -xgroup rimon -u rimon -pw x -servconf /usr/local/apache/conf/sites/rimon.heliohost.org.conf


    Starting install, port: 80.


    Creating web

    Chowning Content in service /.

    Error: An access setup description is required when creating the root web.

    Merging .htaccess file: /home/rimon/public_html/.htaccess

    Merging .htaccess file: /home/rimon/public_html/_private/.htaccess

    Setting Password

    Frontpage passthough auth enabled in /home/rimon/public_html!

    Frontpage was installed on the following domains: rimon.heliohost.org



    I thought it would a good idea to try to "cleanup old extensions", but I got the error:

    Starting uninstall, port: 80.


    Error: There is no web named "".

    The version (unknown) of the server extensions you are trying to uninstall cannot be uninstalled with this tool. You must upgrade this virtual server to the current version, and then use owsadm.exe to uninstall


    I've NO idea what does it means.

    That's seem to be a big problem, anyone has the idea how to solve it?

    Thank you!



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