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Everything posted by cbusvip

  1. Please re-activate account cbusvip domain: cbusvip.com user: cbusvip Much thanks in advance, -M
  2. Can you kindly please move my account from the downed server Johnny to Stevie? My user is cbusvip my domain is www.cbusvip.com What is the ETA on johnny? I would really like to keep it but I cant go on any longer. Thank you kindly, -M Also - - what is the ETA on Johnny? I mean ultimately I would like to wait...but if it'll be WEEKS then idk what 2 do.
  3. I am pretty sure I am on the server with advanced functionality. i think it is Johnny the "test" or "project" server...... EDIT - Can you also please point to the forum post outlining the outage?
  4. This seems to be a monthly thing... user: cbusvip domain: cbusvip.com can you tell me whats going on with this?
  5. *sigh* here we go again. www.cbusvip.com not working tried to recreate said username was already taken please advise.
  6. Cbusvip.com is suspended/not repsonding. Not sure whats going on I dont understand, I stay logged into cpanel multiple times a month this is 2nd time this has happened. please advise, -M
  7. I'm gonna cronjob my logins from now on.
  8. F***** UP. YOUR SYSTEM F***** SUCKS.
  9. My domain www.cbusvip.com username: cbusvip is no longer active even though I make a point to login monthly. please kindly advise. -M EDIT - I believe I am on Johnny (the test server with advanced functionality) EDIT EDIT - Please dont tell me all my stuff is gone. I think that 30 day login rule of bunk. For EXAMPLE - If I login January 1st, I must relogin again before Feb 2nd or all my files get deleted? This month isnt even over yet! I do not have a backup of my files because I lost my HDD where everything was stored.
  10. Dear Anush, upon attempted reg I get this msg. " We're sorry, but an error was encountered during signup. Please try again later. " please advise, -M
  11. Its been 3 days now and all I see when trying to add a domain to stevie is "We're sorry, but the daily signup limit has been exceeded. Please try again tomorrow at midnight PST." I stayed up till 3AM est and still same msg, even with cleared cache. please advise. -M
  13. I have a account with you guys for CBUSVIP.COM I want to add another domain so I only use one login/one cpanel/one home folder for my other domain. Its not letting me add a domain cause its the glitch (thats known to yall) Do I add domain, OR do I create another acct? please advise, -M ----------------------EDIT DEAR ADMIN, GOOGLE SEARCH PROVIDED THIS . "WHM Main >> Account Functions >> Modify an Account , here you can set the Max Parked Domains and Max Addon Domains" CAN YOU GO IN CPANEL ROOT, TO MY ACCT, AND MODIFY TO ALLOW PARKED/ADDON? edit the file /var/cpanel/users/username and set the following values to 999 MAXPARK=999 MAXADDON=999
  14. Can you addon domain for me? cbusvip.com add domain uberleet.com -M
  15. ^^ WTF?
  16. Ya I can see how that would be the case, I had fully uploaded the site and mysql db before the site was propped. I used Cpanel and the shared(global) IP which let me right in with FTP creds(same as cpanel). I probably had all the files and sql db connects in place before the site was fully propped. You guys are awesome. Thanks again for all your help and for the cool hosting. Do you guys have any plans in the near future to solve the server downtime, high load time, and overall performance of the servers, specifically johnny. ?? ? ? ? P.S - Is Johnny really spitting out service to 5115 users? Thats so NUTTY! might explain the server performance LOL
  17. Okay...means I gotta manually edit my news through mysql(phpmyadmin) LOL! good stuff good stuff. Nothing like using a php3 script in a php5 world (: AHAHA Thank you byron for all your help. what is the initial php issue? Just the new reg not fully propagated ?
  18. all is well now. http://cbusvip.com/phpinfo.php is there anyway for my domain I can make register_globals on? I have a conflict with my php news posting system.
  19. nothing with htaxx...php isnt working at all. For example parse http://cbusvip.com/index.php and you'll see what it does.
  20. I guess that is what im saying....MIME types/PHP are not working. If this is in the wrong forum can you please **MOVE** it to the right place.
  21. Account cbusvip queued, account active but MIME types are not recognizing php as valid and just downloads my source when its pulled up. please advise. www.cbusvip.com server: johnny user: cbusvip
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