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  1. Please re-activate account cbusvip domain: cbusvip.com user: cbusvip Much thanks in advance, -M
  2. Can you kindly please move my account from the downed server Johnny to Stevie? My user is cbusvip my domain is www.cbusvip.com What is the ETA on johnny? I would really like to keep it but I cant go on any longer. Thank you kindly, -M Also - - what is the ETA on Johnny? I mean ultimately I would like to wait...but if it'll be WEEKS then idk what 2 do.
  3. I am pretty sure I am on the server with advanced functionality. i think it is Johnny the "test" or "project" server...... EDIT - Can you also please point to the forum post outlining the outage?
  4. This seems to be a monthly thing... user: cbusvip domain: cbusvip.com can you tell me whats going on with this?
  5. *sigh* here we go again. www.cbusvip.com not working tried to recreate said username was already taken please advise.
  6. Cbusvip.com is suspended/not repsonding. Not sure whats going on I dont understand, I stay logged into cpanel multiple times a month this is 2nd time this has happened. please advise, -M
  7. I'm gonna cronjob my logins from now on.
  8. F***** UP. YOUR SYSTEM F***** SUCKS.
  9. My domain www.cbusvip.com username: cbusvip is no longer active even though I make a point to login monthly. please kindly advise. -M EDIT - I believe I am on Johnny (the test server with advanced functionality) EDIT EDIT - Please dont tell me all my stuff is gone. I think that 30 day login rule of bunk. For EXAMPLE - If I login January 1st, I must relogin again before Feb 2nd or all my files get deleted? This month isnt even over yet! I do not have a backup of my files because I lost my HDD where everything was stored.
  10. Dear Anush, upon attempted reg I get this msg. " We're sorry, but an error was encountered during signup. Please try again later. " please advise, -M
  11. Its been 3 days now and all I see when trying to add a domain to stevie is "We're sorry, but the daily signup limit has been exceeded. Please try again tomorrow at midnight PST." I stayed up till 3AM est and still same msg, even with cleared cache. please advise. -M
  13. I have a account with you guys for CBUSVIP.COM I want to add another domain so I only use one login/one cpanel/one home folder for my other domain. Its not letting me add a domain cause its the glitch (thats known to yall) Do I add domain, OR do I create another acct? please advise, -M ----------------------EDIT DEAR ADMIN, GOOGLE SEARCH PROVIDED THIS . "WHM Main >> Account Functions >> Modify an Account , here you can set the Max Parked Domains and Max Addon Domains" CAN YOU GO IN CPANEL ROOT, TO MY ACCT, AND MODIFY TO ALLOW PARKED/ADDON? edit the file /var/cpanel/users/username and set the following values to 999 MAXPARK=999 MAXADDON=999
  14. Can you addon domain for me? cbusvip.com add domain uberleet.com -M
  15. ^^ WTF?
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