For those like me who have been suspended for too many emails, a counter that keeps track is handy and helps in keeping within the 50 emails per day limit. This PHP script takes advantage of the report generated by cpanel track delivery tab. I filtered the generated report to include only the outgoing emails and then counted. I am not 100% sure this is foolproof as the filtering available is not clean cut. I have in mind of running a cron job (offsite) to execute the script (onsite) which checks the count. If anything changed it will generate a report and store it in the mail folder (this avoids adding to the sendmail count). Once the mail is synced with your home device the report in your mailbox will show the new daily count + some extra details. Please feel free to modify to tailor to your needs. Any suggestions welcome. PS my logging into heliohost is via 2FA, therefore I had to use the GoogleAuthenticator.php and FixedByteNotation.php scripts which should be place in a lib subfolder. GoogleAuthenticator.php FixedByteNotation.php KeyGenerator.php Logon.php