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About jontron

  • Birthday February 28

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  1. It is working now. Thank you for your help!
  2. So SSH access on Tommy is not supported, but SFTP still is correct?. I was trying to login via SFTP but was not having any success. I even tried changing my password through Plesk but that did not work either. I did search the forum and found a post saying that SFTP wasn't configuring correctly due to a bug. Could that be the problem?
  3. I am able to log into the heliohost dashboard, but when I click on the plesk button I get a "connection has timed out". I was trying to change my DNS over to the new server and tried to login in to sftp but kept getting access denied. I believe tommy.heliohost.org is the new server which doesn't seem to be working, but tommy2.heliohost.org is still working.
  4. I have reset my password and I am now able to log in. My password contained the special characters greater then [ > ], closing parenthesis [ ) ], single quote (apostrophe)[ ' ], and an at sign [ @ ]. So it was probably the single quote that caused the problem.
  5. I am unable to log into plesk or the main website using my password. When I created my account, I saved the password in my password manager. I know the saved password is correct because the password I saved works fine to log on using FTP. My guess is that maybe my password was truncated or there is an issue with special characters in a password. What should I do, reset my password?
  6. Thank you, I have already updated my DNS records, just waiting for them to propagate out.
  7. Hello, Can I please get my domain changed from jontron.helioho.st to jonsplanet.net? Thanks, Jon
  8. Ok, Thank you. Now at least I know I have a position in line.
  9. I previously had an account on Tommy before the whole cPanel issue. The account username was jontron. I was unable to login to reactivate my account to due to the whole cPanel issue. Now when I log in, I get the message. "That account has been backed up and then taken offline due to inactivity. We recommend downloading your backup, and then creating a new account". I am not sure what to do because new signups are closed. Is there any way to reactivate my old account or do I just have to keep on waiting to be able to create a new one?
  10. Please free up the domain jonsplanet.net so I can use it on Tommy, Thanks!
  11. I have an idea of which file might have been the problem, but can someone tell me exactly which one it is?
  12. HelioHost username: jontron Server your account is on: stevie HelioHost main domain: jonsplanet.net I don't understand why my account has been suspended.
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