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  1. From my understanding of it, it does not seem to be in our (US) best interest no, but the world's, yes.
  2. Biology, it is the most interesting to me and I kind of hope to go to medical school and become a doctor one day. If I fail at that, I can always become a dentist and rake in a lot of money =p
  3. It's due to the definition of a planet that it isn't one... Why does it matter..?
  4. I do believe global warming is happening, but slowly, and shouldn't be worried about too much. However, there is nothing that shows me for sure that it is not just some huge conspiracy.
  5. It could be that I am the only person (or you and I'm just a figment of your imagination) or it could be that you are in a coma and this is all a dream or you could just be asleep right now and having a normal dream, but when you wake up it will be all hazy. Kinda freaky to think about, but somehow, I just don't think it is like that XD
  6. People who interpret the Bible literally are dumb. Some of it has been 100% disproved, like the world being made in 7 days. I do believe in some Christian views but many I do not, especially in this day and age. I hate people who say they are Christians when they themselves do not follow the Bible and make excuses for it.
  7. 1. They had real reason to understand that the moon thing. Why would they think the world would end at such a time? And did they predict how? 2. I find this one a little hard to believe...There are a lot of crazy "scientific" discoveries out there that turn out to be fake. 3. If it was a black hole, it would exponentially get smaller and smaller, not the size of a basketball. That's not how black holes are made or work, that's just silly. 4. You know what else the bible says? The world was made in 7 days, which has been scientifically disproved. 5. Well if it's already 15,000 years overdue... why would this prediction be so accurate? 6. What says this? Nothing is proven, it's just a random prediction as far as you're telling me. 7. This says nothing about 2012.. This post is just silly. It was probably made up by some guy who decided "Hey, I'm going to scare some morons on the internet who are willing to believe anything they read!". This man was also a moron. For example, look at his horrendous grammar. "...crunching the numbers. and they've determined that..." "Even worse, they're claiming their calculations prove, that we're all going to die, very soon..." What's with all the unnecessary commas in the second one and the period thrown in there in the first one? He also refers to Berkeley University as "Berkeley Uni". There are also many other things that say the Earth is going to end at other times. For example, there is a 1 in something like 17000 chance that a meteor will hit earth and destroy it in 2032. Some religious thing I read about said the world was going to end in 2004. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, especially something with nothing to back it up.
  8. The PATRIOT ACT is necessary if you ask me. It is, however, a little too vague for my taste but it helps the country be safer. It's not like they are broadcasting your personal life to the media. They keep all that stuff to themselves. Only thing that I do object to is that when they search your home for almost no reason, they ransack the place and I'm too lazy to clean that all up...That's just mean.
  9. Why does it matter? They aren't going to tell the world you are a man who downloaded [bleeped!] in the City or something..You just don't want to be caught for downloading illegal stuff.
  10. If guns were made 100% illegal, it would be taking guns away from the people who obtain them legally for protection and doing close to nothing to the people who obtain them through illegal means (like drug dealers, organized crime, etc.)
  11. well actually, when the retirement age was originally made (during the Great Depression I believe?), the age was the average life expectancy of Americans, so the government would gain from their putting money away for retirement.
  12. Heh, surprising that North America is in first.
  13. what a useful program XD.
  14. SATs aren't that bad, they're necessary if you ask me.
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