Hairy DJ
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Everything posted by Hairy DJ
Cool demo of what you can do with HTML5 http://www.benjoffe.com/code/demos/canvascape/textures
Fox News prints article saying that there is climate change even though staff ordered not to. 13 incredibly lucky Earth facts | Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/07/14/13-incredibly-lucky-earth-facts/ "Melting ice caps and glaciers, along with warmer seas, are causing ocean levels to rise. Some islands are in the process of going under, and coastal regions everywhere may be affected. Along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, sea level has risen 0.08 inches (2 millimeters) per year from 1950 to 2009" FOXLEAKS: Fox boss ordered staff to cast doubt on climate science | Blog | Media Matters for America http://mediamatters.org/blog/2010/12/15/foxleaks-fox-boss-ordered-staff-to-cast-doubt-o/174317 "refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question."
How Do I Enable Ssi's On This Server?
Hairy DJ replied to pison's topic in Website Management and Coding
Try adding the following code to the .htacess file of your main directory: AddType text/html .shtml AddHandler server-parsed .shtml Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes -
Essay: Nature's Secrets Foretold - Science News http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/341991/title/Essay_Natures_secrets_foretold "Their success illustrates a further meaningfulness of the Higgs discovery: It validates the scientific enterprise as a way of knowing nature. Somehow, humans fiddling with squiggles on paper figured out what you would find if you spent billions of dollars on a machine to create temperatures of a million billion degrees. Scientists figured out one of nature’s deepest secrets just by using their heads." It is also a milestone in the republican/christian fundamentalist war on science. It is one more triumph of evidence based, reality based science over faith based pseudo-science such as "intelligent design" and climate change denial.
Byron has worked with RecursiveDirectoryIterator to make a search tool for file managers. I don't know how much PHP you know but I wouldn't call it a project for beginners but feel free to ask questions. http://www.eclecticdjs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=934 http://www.eclecticdjs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=943
[Answered] File Hidden & Folder Permission In File Manager
Hairy DJ replied to nguyenvulong's topic in Questions
also if you go to your cPanel you can password protect a folder. You can also change it with .htaccess but it is easier via cPanel -
<?php= is a short cut syntax that is not supported by all servers. Try echo "$r['name']"; echo "$and"; if that doesn't work try leaving out the single quotes echo "$r[name]; echo "$and"; php.net says to use them but I get errors with them all the time.
I have never changed a DNS record myself so I can't help you with that but I wonder why you just make a home page at alfonsocheng.com/index.html with links to the blog.
No because most people use either IE of Firefox so making it browser specific just divides most people into two groups. I can think of two solutions off the top of my head. 1) Make passwords for each user, use the form to check for a match from a list of passwords and if it finds a match, store the password in a session cookie (or regular cookie) and redirect the user to his page. His page checks the cookie and if it doesn't match sends the viewer to a login page. DJ Mike's Tutorials: PHP; Cookies Pt.1. This works best if you don't have a lot of users. http://eclecticdjs.com/mike/tutorials/php/cookies_01.php. 2) If you have a lot of users you probably want to use a database but if you have never done a database project you will have more to learn. If that is the case I recommend that you start with SQLite instead of my SQL. DJ Mike's Tutorials: PHP, SQLite http://eclecticdjs.com/mike/tutorials/php/sqlite_01.php Basically you start out like in the first solution but then you have just one (or maybe a few more) pages that show different content depending on the user. That page is a template that will show some things to everyone, like headers and footers but will pull different data out of the DB depending on the viewer. As an example, think of your email. Most of the pages look the same to everyone but to list the email it checks the DB to get the email for a particular person.
WYSIWYG's are not good for CSS. The may insert <br />'s evry time you hit the return key. Try posting a link to your test page instead of a zip file and you may get more responses.
http://eclecticdjs.com/mike/temp/12/07/embed_font.html <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> @font-face { font-family: 'RieslingRegular'; src: url('mercurius.ttf'); format('truetype'); } body { background-color: #fad888; color: black; font-family: 'RieslingRegular', Arial, sans-serif; } h1, h2, h2 { color: red; text-align: center; font-family: 'RieslingRegular', Arial, sans-serif; } </style> <title>PAGE NAME</title></head> <body bgcolor="#fad888" text="black"> <h1>Font Test</h1> This is a test of an embedded font </body> </html>
The form will be on a page something like: http://username.heliohost.org/form/use/test/form1.html You can use your file manager to copy the source code but the form's action is a relative link so you need to copy it to the same drectory as the form. The action to the form is process.php. You can edit the HTML of the form that the generator makes.
Php Tutorial & Imagick Examples
Hairy DJ replied to Hairy DJ's topic in Website Management and Coding
ImagickDraw::circle http://hairydj.heliohost.org/php/imagemagick/examples_06/circle.php It should look like this http://eclecticdjs.com/mike/tutorials/php/imagemagick/examples_06/circle.php but the setfillcolor() doesn't give the correct color. I haven't tried it with a blank image. -
Byron asked If I could back up my PHP/Imagick web pages here on heliohost so here they are. When I started PHP I had no programing experience except Basic back in the 70's and everything I read had a very sharp learning curve. I made my tutorial for absolute beginners. When I started Imagick I found that it was almost totally undocumented on http://php.net so to teach myself I tried every method and made a web page for almost every one I got to work. I included some animation examples because there is almost nothing on the internet about making animations with PHP. DJ Mike's PHP Tutorial http://hairydj.heliohost.org/php/index.php DJ Mike's Imagick Examples http://hairydj.heliohost.org/php/imagemagick/index.php There is one Imagick example that doesn't work on heliohost and I haven't figured a work-around yet.
<html> <head> <title></title> <style> /* single image */ .centerimg {display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto} /* several images; need image widths */ .centerimg2 { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-color:blue; width:1110px} </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <img src="jimsanborn_Horse-Valley-Utah-IV2.jpeg" class="centerimg"> <div class="centerimg2"> <img src="jimsanborn_Horse-Valley-Utah-IV2.jpeg"> <img src="jimsanborn_Horse-Valley-Utah-IV2.jpeg"> </div> </body> </html>
I tried to use .htaccess to password protect some files but instead it disabled them. Here is what I tried: <files ~ "(file1|file2|ffile3).pl"> AuthUserFile /home1/hairydj/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwd AuthGroupFile /home1/hairydj/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp AuthName EnterYourPassword AuthType Basic require valid-user </files>