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  1. Related I am trying to execute my script on demand by running them from the scgi-bin directory. I have tested my script via one cron job, and it works. If I place it in the scgi-bin directory, and even after I include the header elements, I still get a 500 error. What am I doing wrong there? The script has the right permissions... /scgi-bin/getScores.pl mtapf.heliohost.org Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0 500
  2. I tried to set up some cron jobs, and noticed they were not saved. I searched thru the forums, and noticed that historically folks were only allowed 2 cron jobs a day. I haven't seen that warning on the site or in the crons tab, so I must ask: does that limit still exist? If it does, I will adjust my plans to follow. Is there any ability to request a slightly higher limit that 5 or 10 a day? Thanks Arthur
  3. I am new here as of today: mtapf.heliohost.org / mtapf / stevie Was a Unix sysadmin years ago. I am building some perl scripts, and want to understand the best way to test them without needlessly wasting support's time. I saw that SSH is not enabled, so not sure the best route to test and debug. For example, in my perl directory under home, I have a SC2012.pl script from my desktop PC. How can I test and run, and see what it outputs. So far, I am very impressed with the hosting service so want to make sure I am doing things "by the book". Thanks Arthur
  4. I am also experiencing the same
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