Jioruji Derako
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Everything posted by Jioruji Derako
Alright, thanks. I'll try to look into it, and if I figure anything out, I'll let you know as well. It seems to be a temporary issue at the worst, but that's about all I could gather... and you don't see sites like Wikipedia going down with this bug, so I don't imagine it's common for the software. Geo - a.k.a Jioruji Derako
My MediaWiki site just went down, seems to only have been a short while ago (I'm sure it was working fine a few hours ago). From what I've read, it's a SQL database error, server-side; most of the MySQL Database tables I have in my site's main database are unrepairable, due to an "incorrect information" error. I heard that this is possibly caused due to changes in SQL settings, or something of the sort; my knowledge is very limited, so that's as close as I can hit on that problem. If you head to my site, you should see the error: http://vynaioccwiki.heliohost.org/Main_Page I heard of one case where the error fixed itself after a day, then re-appeared the next; supposedly disappearing and re-appearing at the same times that the server's cache cleared, or something. Any ideas? Can't get into my site at all this way. Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako Here's the error message, in case you can't get to the site, or if the message has changed... MediaWiki internal error. Original exception: exception 'DBQueryError' with message 'A database error has occurred Query: SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE user_id = '1' LIMIT 1 Function: User::loadFromDatabase Error: 1033 Incorrect information in file: './defiant_wikidb/user.frm' (localhost) ' in /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Database.php:824 Stack trace: #0 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Database.php(779): Database->reportQueryError('Incorrect infor...', 1033, ' SELECT * FRO...', 'User::loadFromD...', false) #1 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Database.php(1224): Database->query(' SELECT * FRO...', 'User::loadFromD...') #2 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Database.php(1243): Database->select('user', '*', Array, 'User::loadFromD...', Array) #3 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/User.php(759): Database->selectRow('user', '*', Array, 'User::loadFromD...') #4 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/User.php(204): User->loadFromDatabase() #5 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/User.php(712): User->loadFromId() #6 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/User.php(173): User->loadFromSession() #7 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/User.php(1629): User->load() #8 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/User.php(1604): User->getEffectiveGroups() #9 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/User.php(1760): User->getRights() #10 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/StubObject.php(32): User->isAllowed('read') #11 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/StubObject.php(122): StubObject->_call(Array, Array) #12 [internal function]: StubUser->__call('isAllowed', Array) #13 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Title.php(1269): StubUser->isAllowed('isAllowed', Array) #14 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Wiki.php(133): Title->userCanRead('read') #15 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Wiki.php(43): MediaWiki->preliminaryChecks() #16 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/index.php(89): MediaWiki->initialize(Object(Title), Object(StubObject), Object(WebRequest)) #17 {main} Exception caught inside exception handler: exception 'DBUnexpectedError' with message 'Error in fetchObject(): Incorrect information in file: './defiant_wikidb/page.frm' (localhost)' in /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Database.php:953 Stack trace: #0 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/MessageCache.php(314): Database->fetchObject(false) #1 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/MessageCache.php(251): MessageCache->loadFromDB() #2 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/MessageCache.php(441): MessageCache->load() #3 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(467): MessageCache->get('databaseerror', true, false) #4 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(421): wfMsgGetKey('databaseerror', true, false, true) #5 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Exception.php(23): wfMsgReal('databaseerror', Array) #6 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Database.php(276): MWException->msg('databaseerror', 'Database error') #7 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Exception.php(125): DBQueryError->getPageTitle() #8 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Exception.php(88): MWException->htmlHeader() #9 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Exception.php(111): MWException->reportHTML() #10 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Exception.php(191): MWException->report() #11 /home/defiant/public_html/wiki/includes/Exception.php(225): wfReportException() #12 [internal function]: wfExceptionHandler(Object(DBQueryError)) #13 {main} P.S.: Just to note, it's 24 hours later, and the site's working again; I'll need to dig up the similar issue I saw before (see if they mentioned anything about how it was fixed), it apparently has a tendency to pop up again fairly often, but is generally fixed when the cache clears (once every 24 hours). I don't think there's too much I can do to prevent issues like this from my end, as it's generally buried in the database itself or something... if the problem pops back up, you can be sure I'll mention it, hehe. I believe I just backed up my database, so if any bigger problems pop up, I should have a way out of it.
Ah, I see. (that iFrame comment went straight over my head, by the way.) I assume there will be some sort of announcement or something when the ads are back up? I can figure out if the ads work in MediaWiki from there... I know a few places on the skin where you can put ads, but I don't know if they can show up there on their own... Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako
Alright, I've just recently (within the hour) gotten my site active and running (the terms "active" and "running" being used loosely here). From what I read, Helio uses automated advertisements; I can only assume this means the advertisements, well, how up automatically. But I've no idea where they should, could, or would show up on MediaWiki. (I'm pretty sure I would need to place them manually somewhere). I noticed a topic from a while ago mentioning a similar thing, and djbob said that the ads currently weren't working; this is fixed already I assume? How do I go about adding the advertisements now? Will I need to request custom placement of some sort, or is there some way for them to automatically show up in the current form? My website's running over http://vynaioccwiki.heliohost.org/wiki/ind...title=Main_Page here, now, you can look for yourself and see how anything's working at the moment... Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako
On the subject of the MySQL database, if you're making a new user for the database, I believe it's a completely new username and password (when you first enter it, you're setting the username and password right there). You can use the same username and password of course, but I don't think it matters (so long as you don't forget it). Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako
Thanks a bunch... I got SmartFTP already up and running, and I know where to find tutorials for everything else, so I think I'm all set. I just need to wait for the site to be activated. On that note, how do I know when it's activated? I've been testing by attempting to log into cPanel, and it gives me a login failed message; that means it's not running yet, correct? Or does it mean I'm not actually doing it right? Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako Wow, turns out I was entering the capitalization incorrectly. My username starts with a capital letter, but cPanel doesn't like that. Anyway, I've got the site running... well, more or less. MediaWiki is mostly installed, I simply need to complete running the setup. But I'm running into errors... just one error, to be exact. I've got a MySQL database up and running, with a user set up as well; this works fine, as far as I can tell. The database is there, the database user is there, the database user has all permissions, as far as I know... but I'm still getting a 1044 error when I finish the installation... here's the full writeup: * PHP 5.2.4 installed * Found database drivers for: MySQL PostgreSQL * PHP server API is cgi; using ugly URLs (index.php?title=Page_Title) * Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support. * Warning: A value for session.save_path has not been set in PHP.ini. If the default value causes problems with saving session data, set it to a valid path which is read/write/execute for the user your web server is running under. * PHP's memory_limit is 24M. * Couldn't find Turck MMCache, eAccelerator, APC or XCache; cannot use these for object caching. * Found GNU diff3: /usr/bin/diff3. * Found ImageMagick: /usr/bin/convert; image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads. * Found GD graphics library built-in. * Installation directory: /home/defiant/public_html/mediawiki-1.11.0 * Script URI path: /mediawiki-1.11.0 * Installing MediaWiki with php file extensions * Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki. * Generating configuration file... * Database type: MySQL * Loading class: DatabaseMysql * Attempting to connect to database server as defiant...success. * Connected to 5.0.45-community * * Error selecting database wikidb: 1044 Access denied for user 'defiant'@'localhost' to database 'wikidb' I dug around for tutorials and whatnot, but couldn't seem to find anything specifically for my issue, that actually helped me. Chances are, it's my own fault, this is my first try with anything of this sort; but I'm not really sure how to tell... any ideas? Attempting to set the user permissions to full access via phpMyAdmin comes up with the same 1044 error... and I've already set the permissions from cPanel's MySQL Databases section. Is there somewhere else I should be setting this? Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako P.S.: Is this the right forum to be asking these questions in, for that matter? ::EDIT:: Okay, I actually fixed it again on my own. Seems it's not as complicated as I thought, I merely fiddled with it for a few... hours, and stumbled upon the issue. For future reference; the database and database usernames need to have the "username_" prefix on them. When you create a MySQL database, you'll notice it adding your cPanel username and an underscore to the database name... that's important. You need to add those to the full database name when it asks for a MySQL database in MediaWiki's setup script.
FTP, SQL, CHMOD. Nothing I can't fix with a google search. Should be fun to get fiddling around with all that once the site's up and running. SmartFTP you say? You also mentioned Fantastico, is this the same thing as SmartFTP (an FTP client) or something different? Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako P.S.: Don't think I mentioned it before, my URL's http://vynaioccwiki.heliohost.org, iirc. (edit x2)
How's it going. Just signed up, maybe ten, fifteen minutes ago... got my account set up, just waiting for the validation. (log in errors on the cPanel just mean it's not set up yet, correct?) In the meantime, I've got questions and other semi-random comments. Now, questions first. I haven't done much other then get my account set up, and set up my forum account; I didn't spot anything else, but have I missed any part of the process? Two, I'm planning to set up my site with MediaWiki software if I can, or possibly a simpler, similar software. I know a lot of random little tidbits of setup info, but to be completely honest, I've never set up a website before (well, I do have an offline wiki running, but I don't think that's quite the same). Can I expect it to be a fairly simple and straightforward setup, or am I going to be running crying to internet support forums for weeks? (and on that note, which forum should I really be posting questions of that nature in, this one or another one?) Thanks in advance for any insight. As for the semi-random comments; been reading reviews and the forums here, and I'm pretty impressed and surprised. I was expecting some big corporation-type effect here, but I'm seeing whom I can only assume is the main admin (djbob) posting on nearly every topic, a generally friendly tone across the board (no pun intended), and a pretty simple setup overall (so far). Where's the catch, when does my computer get beset by viruses or something? Geo - a.k.a. Jioruji Derako