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Posts posted by XPlumpedXLipsXandXArsenicX

  1. I really like this place thoug. I love to talk, and if talkign can get me banner-free hosting, well, then it rocks! My last site, 666.arsenic-kisses.biz.ly/ (it's still there) was cool except when they put add banners, it messd up the code, and I wasn't sure how to fix it, so I decided to find a new hosting sevice. Wihtout paying. Yes, I'm cheap.

  2. When you think about it, there's not real good way to end this thing,a nd we're still going to be the bad guys to some people. After all, we marched into a country and killed their leader. He deserved it, but some people still uspport him. Who can say they won't end up with another leader who is just as bad? Maybe we should stop trying to mold other countries in our image.


    I still say support our troops! (Just not the idiot who misled them)

  3. I'd like to discuss anarchy, and I'd like any ararchists to step forward so we can talk about it. I mayself support it in some ways. But I"m not sure where to begin with my discussion, so I'm asking someone else to start...Please, this is an inteligent conversation,NOT an "Anarchy is a stupid Idea!", "Let's kill the president!" sort of topic.

  4. Four dogs (Akita, Lab, and 2 english springer spanials-all female) 1 silver simese/tabby mix (female). ANd two goats, (female). Lol,and I'm a girl, so my house is like, estrogen overdose, lol. Oh yeah, and I have a pet monkey!!! I mean boyfriend.

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